Crystal Space - Mouse Movement

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4 comments, last by acraig 19 years, 5 months ago
im trying to make objects selectable in my program, the crystal space manual shows you how to pick the object based on the camera and the co-ordinates of the mouse but i have no idea what function to call to get this, thanks alot (also if anyone knew the api references for input capture id be very greatfull)
Here's a bit of our camera class that figures out what mesh is at the current mouse coords:

iCamera *psCamera::GetICamera(){    return view->GetCamera();}iMeshWrapper* psCamera::FindMeshUnder2D(int x, int y){    if (!GetICamera())        return NULL;    csVector3 vc, vo, vw;    csVector2 perspective( x, GetICamera()->GetShiftY() * 2 - y );    GetICamera()->InvPerspective( perspective, 1, vc );    vw = GetICamera()->GetTransform().This2Other( vc );    iSector* sector = GetICamera()->GetSector();    if ( sector )    {        vo = GetICamera()->GetTransform().GetO2TTranslation();        csVector3 isect;        csVector3 end = vo + (vw-vo)*600;        iMeshWrapper* sel = sector->HitBeamPortals(vo, end, isect, NULL);        return sel;    }    return NULL;}
thanks alot, are there any other sites apart from the actual crystal space one that are good for information about it
Ah if you want to capture input you need to create your own event handler and check for stuff like:

bool PawsManager::HandleEvent( iEvent &event ){    switch ( event.Type )    {        case csevMouseMove: return HandleMouseMove( event );        case csevMouseDown: return HandleMouseDown( event );        case csevMouseUp  : return HandleMouseUp( event );    } //Mouse is at: // event.Mouse.x, event.Mouse.y 

sorry i didnt word my reply too clearly, how do you get the x and y co-ordinates to pass to the function
Quote:Original post by Stowelly
thanks alot, are there any other sites apart from the actual crystal space one that are good for information about it

The CS-Main mailing list ( check for actualy address on Crystal's site ) is pretty active as well as the #crystalspace on

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