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0 comments, last by noisecrime 19 years, 5 months ago
Having just saved (whats left of) my sanity with this little tool I thought I'd make a quick post letting people out there know it exists, incase it had passed them by. GLIntercept is basically an OpenGL function call logger which allows you to see whats going on in the program, even a release one, with the data you are sending to OpenGL. As mentioned, its just saved my sanity; I had a program which rendered a green overlay over a terrain and it was working fine on 3 computers and not fine on 3 others, we couldnt find any common difference between the working and non-working systems. Then, without any changes to the code it stopped working on mine (but only outside the IDE) which pointed it at a memory stomping thing. I checked, double and triple checked the code and I couldnt find a point where memory would be getting munched. So, I break out GLIntercept to see just wtf was going on. A few seconds into the log it became clear; a varible I was using for a vertical offset for the overlay to get it to the right height was set to some foolishly high number, yep, I forgot to zero it on class construction so it was buggering up. One quick poke later and all is well. GLIntercept I salute you! *salutes*
Couldn't agree more, although in my case i use glTrace

At first I used it to anaylise various game outputs, and then to extend the features of an existing application. Its very useful and I found I learnt a great deal about openGL from it.

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