Linked List Question

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7 comments, last by barakat 19 years, 4 months ago
When creating a linked lists of students ( and i am going to implement the list from ground up ... ) what is better ? : 1- put the students data directly into each node class node{ node* next; int id; string name; ///stuff//// }; 2- include the student data as the data member of the node class node{ node* next; student data;//student is a struct containing student's data };
are those the only options?
It doesn't really matter either way - it comes down to personal preference.

I prefer to have the second way. Put everything required in a struct and then have an instance of the struct inside the class. It's just a lot easier when thinking about it for me.
[size="2"][size=2]Mort, Duke of Sto Helit: NON TIMETIS MESSOR -- Don't Fear The Reaper
I agree that the second method is the better way.

Also this code may help:
#ifndef _DOUBLE_LINKED_LIST_H_#define _DOUBLE_LINKED_LIST_H_#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <memory.h>#include <assert.h>namespace COM_DAVESDUMP{	template <class T>	class dl_list	{	public:		dl_list();		virtual ~dl_list();				dl_list (const dl_list& o)		{			delete o;		}		void operator = (const dl_list& o)		{			delete o;		}		T* List_AddToStart(const T& p);		T* List_AddToEnd(const T& p);		T* List_AddBeforeThis(const T& p);		T* List_AddAfterThis(const T& p);		T* List_GotoStart();		T* List_GotoEnd();		T* List_TrackForward();		T* List_TrackBackward();		T* List_CreateEmpty(const unsigned long numNodes);		void List_SwapThisNext();		void List_SwapThisPrev();		T*		Get_Payload()	{ return node->payload;};		int		Get_NumNodes()	{ return nodeCount;    };	private:		struct BODY		{			T* payload;			BODY* prev;			BODY* next;		} start, *node, *end;		unsigned long nodeCount;		bool listInitiated;		void List_Start();		void List_Destroy();		void SwapNodes(T& itemA, T& itemB);	};	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	//	Name:	list	//	Params:	N/A	//	//	Desc:	Constructor, takes care of initialising the 'start' of the list.	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	template <class T>	dl_list<T>::dl_list() : listInitiated(false)	{		listInitiated = false;		nodeCount = 0;		List_Start();	}	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	//	Name:	~list	//	Params:	N/A	//	//	Desc:	Destructor, deletes the entire list when the object goes out of scope or is	//			deleted.	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	template <class T>	dl_list<T>::~dl_list()	{		List_Destroy();	}	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	//	Name:	StartList	//	Params:	N/A	//	//	Desc:	Initiates the list.	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	template <class T>	void dl_list<T>::List_Start()	{	= NULL;		start.prev	= NULL;		node		= &start;		end			= &start;	}	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	//	Name:	List_AddToStart	//	Params:	N/A	//	//	Desc:	Adds a node to the start of the list.	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	template<class T>	T* dl_list<T>::List_AddToStart(const T& p)	{		BODY* firstNode;		firstNode =; = new BODY;		memcpy(&>payload, &p, sizeof(>payload));>next = firstNode;>prev = NULL;>next->prev =;		nodeCount++;		return (node->payload);	}	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	//	Name:	List_AddToEnd	//	Params:	N/A	//	//	Desc:	Adds a node to the end of the list.	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	template<class T>	T* dl_list<T>::List_AddToEnd(const T& p)	{		end->next		= new BODY;		end->next->prev = end;		end				= end->next;		end->payload	= new T;		memcpy(&end->payload, &p, sizeof(end->payload));		end->next = NULL;		nodeCount++;		return (node->payload);	}	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	//	Name:	List_Destroy	//	Params:	N/A	//	//	Desc:	Completely deletes a linked list from memory.	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	template<class T>	void dl_list<T>::List_Destroy()	{		//point to start		node = &start;		node = node->next;		while(node != NULL)		{			// change to point to next but one = node->next;			// delete this node			delete (&node->payload);			// move to the next but one			node =;		}		nodeCount = 0;	}	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	//	Name:	List_GotoStart	//	Params:	N/A	//	//	Desc:	Sets the current node to the first node in the list.	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	template<class T>	T* dl_list<T>::List_GotoStart()	{		node =;		return ((node != NULL)?(node->payload):(NULL));	}	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	//	Name:	List_GotoEnd	//	Params:	N/A	//	//	Desc:	Sets the current node to the last node in the list.	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	template<class T>	T* dl_list<T>::List_GotoEnd()	{		node = end;		return ((node != NULL)?(node->payload):(NULL));	}	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	//	Name:	List_TrackForward	//	Params:	N/A	//	//	Desc:	Move to the next node.	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	template<class T>	T* dl_list<T>::List_TrackForward()	{		if(node->next != NULL)		{			node = node->next;			return ((node != NULL)?(node->payload):(NULL));		}		return NULL;	}	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	//	Name:	List_TrackBackward	//	Params:	N/A	//	//	Desc:	Move to the previous node.	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	template<class T>	T* dl_list<T>::List_TrackBackward()	{		if(node->prev != NULL)		{			node = node->prev;			return ((node != NULL)?(node->payload):(NULL));		}		return NULL;	}	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	//	Name:	List_TrackBackward	//	Params:	N/A	//	//	Desc:	Move to the previous node.	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	template<class T>	T* list<T>::List_AddBeforeThis(const T& p)	{		if (node->prev != NULL)		{			BODY* toBeNext, *toBePrev;			toBeNext = node;			toBePrev = node->prev;			//-----			node->prev->next	= new BODY;			node				= node->prev->next;			node->prev = toBePrev;			node->next = toBeNext;			node->next->prev = node;			memcpy(&node->payload, &p, sizeof(node->payload));			nodeCount++;			return ((node != NULL)?(node->payload):(NULL));		}		else		{			List_AddToStart(p);		}		return NULL;	}	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	//	Name:	List_TrackBackward	//	Params:	N/A	//	//	Desc:	Move to the previous node.	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	template<class T>	T* dl_list<T>::List_AddAfterThis(const T& p)	{		if (node->next != NULL)		{			BODY* toBeNext, *toBePrev;			toBeNext = node->next;			toBePrev = node;			//-----			node->next			= new BODY;			node				= node->next;			node->prev			= toBePrev;			node->next			= toBeNext;			node->next->prev	= node;			memcpy(&node->payload, &p, sizeof(node->payload));			nodeCount++;			return ((node != NULL)?(node->payload):(NULL));		}		else		{			List_AddToEnd(p);		}		return NULL;	}	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	//	Name:	List_SwapThisNext	//	Params:	N/A	//	//	Desc:	Swap over this node and the next node.	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	template <class T>	void dl_list<T>::List_SwapThisNext()	{		if	( ( node->payload != NULL ) && ( node->next != NULL) )		{			SwapNodes((T&)node->payload, (T&)node->next->payload);		}	}	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	//	Name:	List_SwapThisPrev(	//	Params:	N/A	//	//	Desc:	Swap over this node and the previous node.	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	template <class T>	void dl_list<T>::List_SwapThisPrev()	{		if	( ( node->payload != NULL ) && ( node->prev != NULL) )		{				SwapNodes((T&)node->payload, (T&)node->prev->payload);		}	}	template <class T>	void list<T>::SwapNodes(T& itemA, T& itemB)	{		T temp;		temp		=	itemB;		(itemB)		=	(itemA);		(itemA)		=	(temp);	}	template <class T>	T* dl_list<T>::List_CreateEmpty(const unsigned long numNodes)	{		unsigned long currIndex;		List_Destroy();		List_GotoStart();		for (currIndex = 0; currIndex < numNodes; currIndex++)		{			{ // same has add node to end of list code but with no memcpy				end->next		= new BODY;				end->next->prev = end;				end				= end->next;				end->payload	= new T;				end->next = NULL;			}			nodeCount++;		}		return ((node != NULL)?(node->payload):(NULL));	}}#endif

It's a templated linked class im in the process of finalising. Then it will be reviewed, finalised etc.

May help u with the understandings of the list.

Quote:Original post by ace_lovegrove
It's a templated linked class im in the process of finalising. Then it will be reviewed, finalised etc.

I can see alots flaws in your list for instance:

1. syntactically correct but schematically wrong assigmenet operator.

2. copy constructor & assignement operator don't anything but try to use operator delete (and used incorrectly).

3. virtual destructor, why? is it meant to be an intrusive list?

4. hard-coded memory model/scheme, what if i want to use a pooled allocator? i'd be forced to do something like redefine global operators new/delete.

5. No speratation of allocation/deallocation & construction/destruction.

6. no iterator types, clients have to deal with nodes or you write a million methods to do specific tasks yucky.

7. Potentially not exception safe code.

I'm just pointing some of these out to you as advice [smile] because the standard c++ library provides a parameterized list type, unless your writing lists to learn data structures & algorithms i recommend you use that instead.

This makes me question even more some of the people the randomly blurt out that STL is an overhead & then i see code like this.

[Edited by - snk_kid on November 26, 2004 9:23:40 AM]
Is this for educational reasons?

If not use the standard std::list, or the non-standard slist if you only need forward traversal and you're really excruciatingly worried about memory overhead.
ofcourse its for educational reasons, i havent even begun to us STL yet,

Im not stupid enough to think mine is better.

And it actually does what i want it to, which for now is enough.

Quote:Original post by ace_lovegrove
ofcourse its for educational reasons, i havent even begun to us STL yet,
I was asking barakat
yes petewood it is for a data structure Course :-)

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