making isometric maps

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5 comments, last by Drew_Benton 19 years, 4 months ago
i am new to making isometric maps . i am interested in making a simple isometric rpg game very small . i just finsished my little rpg that i made for fun with map editor. But now i would like to make the same kind of this using blitblt if posible because i'm not that good with directx. can ne1 post some sites or tutorials that shows you how to create the isometric map? or anything that you would think would help me. thnx
heh :)
maybe you wanna check out my editor ;) if you can use it/if you like it, i can give you the basic code for copying the tiles.
basically, my editor (still in progress but very usable) will help you create an isometric map and file based on my file structure. i think its very easy and quite flexible.
check it out with the link in my signature below, and if you like it/want to use it, let me know and ill PM you some code to load the map and copy the tiles :) (this code will be C++ by the way)

good luck in your quest to make your iso game :)
basically all i think i need is the equations for the postions on the tile and to tell when you clicked. if you kno what i mean
like simple 2d tile game is X \ tilewidth . and then where u have to copy the image two for tielbased you go x * tilewidth and u get it . i need those formulas and a brief explination if posible. thnx
this is code i got off a little sample

Private Type MapPoint
x As Long
y As Long
End Type

P.x = (MapX - MapY) * (lngTileWidth / 2) + ((lngBoardSize * lngTileWidth) / 2) - (lngTileWidth / 2)
P.y = (MapX + MapY) * ((lngTileHeight / 2) - OffSetY)

Sec = StretchBlt(picScroll.hdc, P.x, P.y, lngTileWidth, lngTileHeight, picTile(Tile(MapX, MapY)).hdc, 0, 0, 48, 47, vbSrcAnd)
Sec = StretchBlt(picScroll.hdc, P.x, P.y, lngTileWidth, lngTileHeight, picMask(Tile(MapX, MapY)).hdc, 0, 0, 48, 47, vbSrcPaint)

that is vb could sum1 break that down for me it works but i can't seem to get the hang of the calculations . i get the types and stretchblt just not how they calculate where the tiles go and the offset there is used for.

if someone could break that down i would really appreciate it thnx
sorry that code i have posted puts 0,0 at the bottom left corner of the map instead of top left.

like this
o is where it starts

x x
o x
x x

instead of 0,0 being here

x x
x x
x x
if you get what i mean
can sum1 please put some code that works
i stumbled on this code and it seems to work

X = (x - y) * tilewidth
Y = (x + y) * tilewidth * .5

all i had to do is change tilewidth to tilewidth/2

but i still need some help with calculating where the user has clicked thnx
**** hehe sry, I couldn't resist. Look through gamedevs iso sections, that's how I learned ;)

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