Problems with c++? or template list ? or ???

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14 comments, last by Fruny 19 years, 4 months ago
Well, basically I am making a blackjack game. And I wanted to give it a run with the current AI in there. The game works as planned, however the biggest problem I notice is when I open taskmanager and watch the resources it consumes. It's not too bad maybe 50k per few seconds, but the thing is I'm not inserting more items into any list, I am simply shuffling cards from one list to another. I have tried running the game for more than a minute then deleting all the lists and I still have a 'leak' or whatever it is. There is a lot of computation and checking involved in the code; I guess my question is : does this computation take up memory within windows ? Could my memory leaks be due to the fact that I am removing an item from one list and inserting into another (which probably assigns a new address ?) I'm stumped, and I know this will be a problem if I ever decide to run more than 1mil games. Thanks in advance
Wow, now tell me if this makes sense. I am running the game to play 1million games while I was typing the above post. And when I looked at taskmanager after posting i noticed that from 2.5k resources it went to 896k, what happened?

The game is still running this is just wierd. I'm confused, anyways thanks again
50k sounds like quite a bit for a simple Black Jack game. What library are you using to program this?

Also, it is hard to tell you what is wrong without seeing some code. Paste some code where you think the error is at. Have you tried using software like Glowcode that will tell you where the leak is? Or, you could simply overload the new and delete operators and keep track that way.
gonna try glowcode;
I think windows just took too long to update the task manager, that's why it seemed to eat up much memory.

The code has been tested for over a few hours--i'm 95% sure the code is not the problem. If my template list is bad, then that could be the problem
Quote:Original post by Toonkides
If my template list is bad, then that could be the problem

Is is a homebrewed list class or the standard C++ list class?
"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan
Calling _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks right before your program exits can be very useful when tracking down memory leaks. It will tell you what blocks of memory haven't been deleted yet, and what file they were allocated in. Look it up in your C++ library documentation.
homebrewed template, from an ADT list in a book, thought it looked right when i did it, but now i have doubts
unless the ADT was written wrong, I don't see where the problem is.

//-------------------------------------------------------------// Header for cList.h// ADT List - Pointer based implementation -- TEMPLATE VERSION//-------------------------------------------------------------#ifndef __CLIST_H__#define __CLIST_H__template <class T> struct listNode;template <class T> class cList{public:	cList(); // constructor	cList(const cList<T>& L); // copy constructor	virtual ~cList(); // destructor	void createList(); // creates an empty list	void destroyList(); // destroys the list	void copyList(const cList<T> &L); // copys a list	bool isEmpty() const; // returns true if list is empty	int getLength() const; // returns length of the list	void insert(int position,T newItem,bool &success); // inserts item from position x in list	void replace(int position,T newItem,bool &success); // replace item from list at position x with new item	void remove(int position,bool &success); // removes item from position x in list	void retrieve(int position,T &dataItem,bool &success); // retrives an item from position x in list	private:	int listLength; // length of the list	listNode<T> *head; // the pointer to the head of the list	listNode<T> *find(int position) const; // returns pointer to position in list};#include "cList.cpp"#endif//-----------------------------------------------------------// Implementation for cList.h//-----------------------------------------------------------#include<stddef.h> // for NULL#include<assert.h> // for asserttemplate <class T>struct listNode // node structure{	T item; // current item of the list	listNode<T> *next; // pointer to next node in list	listNode<T> *previous; // pointer to previous node in list};template <class T>cList<T>::cList(){	createList(); // create an empty list}template <class T>cList<T>::cList(const cList &L){	copyList(L) ;}template <class T>cList<T>::~cList(){	 destroyList(); // destroys the list}template <class T>void cList<T>::createList() // creates an empty list{	head=new listNode<T>;	head->next=NULL;	head->previous=NULL;	listLength=0;}template <class T>void cList<T>::destroyList() // destroys the list{	bool success;	while(!isEmpty())		remove(1,success);}template <class T>void cList<T>::copyList(const cList &L) // copies the list{	if(L.head==NULL) // list to copy is empty		head=NULL;	else	{		// copy first node		head = new listNode<T>;		assert(head!=NULL); // check allocation		head->item=L.head->item;		//copy rest of the list		listNode<T> *newPtr=head; // create pointer and set to head		for(listNode<T> *origPtr=L.head->next;origPtr!=NULL;origPtr=origPtr->next)		{			newPtr->next=new listNode<T>; // create new node			assert(newPtr->next!=NULL); // check allocation			newPtr=newPtr->next; // go to next node			newPtr->item=origPtr->item; // copy item		}		newPtr->next=NULL;	}	listLength = L.getLength() ;}template <class T>bool cList<T>::isEmpty() const // returns true if list is empty{	return bool(listLength==0);}template <class T>int cList<T>::getLength() const // returns length of the list{	return listLength;}template <class T>listNode<T>* cList<T>::find(int position) const{	if((position<1)||(position>getLength()))		return NULL;	else	{		listNode<T> *cur=head;		for(int i=1;i<position;i++)			cur=cur->next;		return cur;	}}template <class T>void cList<T>::insert(int position,T newItem,bool &success) // inserts item from position x in list{	listNode<T> *prev;	listNode<T> *last;	listNode<T> *newPtr;	int newLength=getLength()+1;	success=bool(position>0&&position<=newLength);	if(success)	{		// create a new node and place item in it		newPtr=new listNode<T>;		success=bool(newPtr!=NULL);		if(success)		{			listLength=newLength;			newPtr->item=newItem;			// attach new node to list			if(position==1)			{				newPtr->previous=NULL;				newPtr->next=head;				if(getLength()>1) // if the current list is greater than one					newPtr->next->previous=newPtr;				head=newPtr;			}			else if(position==getLength()||position==getLength()+1) // if we are at the end of the list			{				newPtr->next=NULL;				last=find(getLength()-1);				newPtr->previous=last;				last->next=newPtr;			}			else			{				prev=find(position-1);				// insert new node after node				// to which prev points				newPtr->next=prev->next;				newPtr->previous=prev;				newPtr->next->previous=newPtr;				prev->next=newPtr;			}		}	}}template <class T>void cList<T>::replace(int position,T newItem,bool &success){	listNode<T> *newPtr;	success=bool(position>0&&position<=getLength());	if(success)	{		newPtr=find(position);		newPtr->item=newItem;	}}template <class T>void cList<T>::remove(int position,bool &success){	listNode<T> *cur;	listNode<T> *prev; 		success=bool(position>0&&position<=getLength());	if(success)	{		listLength--;		if(position==1)		{			cur=head;			head=head->next;			if(head!=NULL)				head->previous=NULL;		}		else		{			prev=find(position-1);			cur=prev->next;			prev->next=cur->next;			if(position-1<getLength())				cur->next->previous=prev;		}	}	cur->next=NULL;	cur->previous=NULL;	delete cur;}template <class T>void cList<T>::retrieve(int position,T &dataItem,bool &success){	listNode<T> *printPtr;		success=bool(position>0&&position<=getLength());	if(success)	{		printPtr=find(position);		dataItem=printPtr->item;	}}
Quote:Original post by Toonkides
homebrewed template, from an ADT list in a book, thought it looked right when i did it, but now i have doubts

use the standard library list, trust us its better than what you've got there, take alook here
Quote:Original post by snk_kid
use the standard library list, trust us its better than what you've got there, take alook here

Not the best advice, he should be able to get a linked-list working. If he just wanted more features, then sure.

Toonkides: just from a quick glance....
1) Why does an empty list contain a node? It looks like this has lead to several inconsitencies in your code.
2) 1-based indexing is odd in C, that could lead to mistakes if your not careful.
3) All the special cases you have for the head/tail of the list indicate that you need to rethink the design.
4) createList() will leak anything currently in the list
5) destroyList() will not destroy the head node created in createList() (or copyList() for that matter), since on creation the list contains a node when listLength==0
6) If your list is storing pointers replace() and remove() could leak memory.
7) A whole lot of bad stuff.... [sad]

It's probably worth you taking a look at a linked-list tutorial.
"Voilà! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V.".....V

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