newbie camera problem...couldnt find answer in search...

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2 comments, last by unlucky 19 years, 4 months ago
Hello Game Devs, Q1: I have a fps camera class, everything wroks fine except rotating with mouse pointer movement. The problem is it pans the view instead of rotating it, I dont know why. view rotating camera class

if( Mouse.PointX != middleX && Mouse.PointY != middleY )
	_rotation.Rotate( -( float )( Mouse.PointY - middleY ) * 0.0005f, _right );
	_rotation.TransformVector( ref _look );
	_rotation.TransformVector( ref _up );
	_rotation.Rotate( -( float )( Mouse.PointX - middleX ) * 0.0005f, new Point3D( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ) );
	_rotation.TransformVector( ref _look );
	_rotation.TransformVector( ref _up );

utility functions... (this is in matrix class)

public void Rotate( float angle, Point3D axis )
	float sin = ( float )Math.Sin( Math3D.DegreeToRadian( angle ) );
	float cos = ( float )Math.Cos( Math3D.DegreeToRadian( angle ) );
	axis = Math3D.Normalize( axis );
	this[ 0 ]  = cos + ( 1.0f - cos ) * axis.X;
	this[ 1 ]  = ( 1.0f - cos ) * axis.X * axis.Y + sin * axis.Z;
	this[ 2 ]  = ( 1.0f - cos ) * axis.X * axis.Z - sin * axis.Y;
	this[ 3 ]  = 0;
	this[ 4 ]  = ( 1.0f - cos ) * axis.Y * axis.X - sin * axis.Z;
	this[ 5 ]  = cos + ( 1.0f - cos ) * ( float )Math.Pow( ( double )axis.Y, 2.0d );
	this[ 6 ]  = ( 1.0f - cos ) * axis.Y * axis.Z + sin * axis.X;
	this[ 7 ]  = 0;
	this[ 8 ]  = ( 1.0f - cos ) * axis.Z * axis.X + sin * axis.Y;
	this[ 9 ]  = ( 1.0f - cos ) * axis.Z * axis.Z - sin * axis.X;
	this[ 10 ] = cos + ( 1.0f - cos ) * ( float )Math.Pow( ( double )axis.Z, 2.0d );
	this[ 11 ] = 0;
	this[ 12 ] = 0;
	this[ 13 ] = 0;
	this[ 14 ] = 0;
	this[ 15 ] = 1.0f;

public void TransformPoint( ref Point3D point )
	point.X = point.X * this[ 0 ] + point.Y * this[ 4 ] + point.Z * this[ 8 ] + this[ 12 ];
	point.Y = point.X * this[ 1 ] + point.Y * this[ 5 ] + point.Z * this[ 9 ] + this[ 13 ];
	point.Z = point.X * this[ 2 ] + point.Y * this[ 6 ] + point.Z * this[ 10 ] + this[ 14 ];

public void TransformVector( ref Point3D vector )
	vector.X = vector.X * this[ 0 ] + vector.Y * this[ 4 ] + vector.Z * this[ 8 ];
	vector.Y = vector.X * this[ 1 ] + vector.Y * this[ 5 ] + vector.Z * this[ 9 ];
	vector.Z = vector.X * this[ 2 ] + vector.Y * this[ 6 ] + vector.Z * this[ 10 ];

Thanks in advance. :)
Hum, personnaly for a simple FPS view you complicate yourseft...

Juste hold que X and Z angles (in 3d max coor system)
and set your view with gluLookAt(position.x, .y, .z, Target.x, .y, .z, 0,0,1);
With sin() and cos()

gluLookAt(position.x, position.y, position.z,
position.x + cos(angleZ)*cos(angleX),
position.y + sin(angleZ)*cos(angleX),
position.z + sin(angleX),
I'm assuming this is C++? If so, why are you accessing the this pointer as an array? It probably won't do what you think.

well...I thought this way is better...

it is c#...and those "this" are is in my matrix class...

forget it guys...I am going back directx...I just faced problems with glDrawArrays and so...and there will be lots of other problems in the future till I learn opengl...

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