Interesting means of incapacitation!

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15 comments, last by infrmtn 19 years, 4 months ago
Hi everyone! So my latest question is this, What interesting ways could you use to kill/incapacitate an opponent other than combat? This might sound like somewhat of a morbid subject, but I ask for a reason. I figure that part of the reason that combat is so dull is because you can only kill enemies as a direct consequence of either attacking them with a weapon or blasting them with a spell. What if you could also push them off cliff edges, send them hurtling into the ocean to drown, push them into spikes, poison their food, set a pit trap for them and so on. I think it would create a much more interesting system where you not only have to prove yourself by combat, but also have to pay attention to your environment and/or sneaky but less direct methods of attack by your opponent. A listing of ideas may be nice, but I’d like to see some conversation on the idea as well if possible! I know I generally skip past plain old lists of ideas in the forums and don’t think they make for particularly interesting threads, so it’s not what I’m aiming for. If you have any other ideas to spice up combat then I’d love to hear them! Cheers, Steve
Cheers,SteveLiquidigital Online
have you seen Thief saga, Half Life 2, or Hitman saga? in those games you can do averithig you have mentioned, push people off cliffs or poison their food, and many others, like clouds of poisonous gas etc.

The problem may be the implementation of all this stuff. Avery time I say to my AI programmer "Hey, the player may do this too" he starts to hit me with a pesant book saying "Go away you evil!!!"

Don't think abount "what can be done" but "how may I do it" and "The job will pay enough?"
Quote:Original post by The Zeion
have you seen Thief saga, Half Life 2, or Hitman saga? in those games you can do averithig you have mentioned, push people off cliffs or poison their food, and many others, like clouds of poisonous gas etc.

i was going to say this. but its still a great idea, just its much harder to plan for everything the user may do then just allowing him to do a couple things. and what sucks is you might work really hard on letting the user do everything possible and the game may still not be fun.
What do you think of sabotage? Like, cutting somebodies break lines or drilling a hole in the bottom of their boat. That might require hiding out nearby and avoiding detection, to make sure the "accident" happens. Maybe you could even release a snake in their house...
the rug -
Anything that can damage the player should be able to damage enemies. So if, for example, you have a trap-heavy area, then the clever player should be able to lure enemies into it and let the traps handle them. Depending on how complicated you want to make this, you might want to add more game mechanics to let the player mess with the enemy AI (e.g. by throwing a rock towards where you wants the guards to go).

You might also consider letting the player try to intimidate enemies into surrendering. This would require the player to give up all stealth and be as imposing as possible, but creates an opportunity to defeat enemies without attacking at all (and could be done with unloaded weapons even!).
Jetblade: an open-source 2D platforming game in the style of Metroid and Castlevania, with procedurally-generated levels
I would like to be able to cut an opponent's arm off and see it happen, knowing it has had the desired effect in incapacitating, without actually having to go in for the kill. Many a time I'm fighting away and, sometimes, it can take AGES and the opponents seem to be strong throughout, even although your supposed to be hacking bits off them and weakening them!.....reminds me of the knight in 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail'....."it's only a flesh wound!"
I'd like to see a game where shooting an enemy in the foot isn't fatal. Even with dynamic hit detection you still can't disable an enemy by blowing a hole in his knee and having him yell in pain, attracting others to your location.

The only games i've played so far with alternate methods of not actually KILLING an enemy are in the Theif series and Deus Ex (Deus Ex involving sleep darts, pepper spray, tear gas, tasers, and riot baton's). There are really a wide variety of ways to incapacitate someone, from lack of oxygen, to hitting then in specific parts of their bodies (quick jab to the windpipe and he'll be to busy trying to breath to do much else).
Pressure points.
Quote:Original post by xor
Pressure points.

YEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS!!! please pressure points. that would be so cool, and the stuff that person did in crouching tiger to freeze that other guy. i want that!
Hmm this might be slightly off topic, but I always liked mind control to get opponents to incapacitate/destroy themselves. I remember in arcanum some big stupid half-orc was guarding the gate to some place I wanted to get in to. Me, being the evil bastage of a wizard that I was, mentally dominated the oaf, had him walk over to me, gave him a stick of lit TNT, then had him stand in front of the gate. Boom, no more gate, no more guard :) God I loved that game despite its flaws hehe!

Oh sure I could have just made him use his key in his inventory then teleported him into the middle of nowhere and left him naked and surrounded by wolves while I marched through the gates, but dynamite was so much more fun!

*evil rolling cackle* >:)

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