Can't figure out where these errors are comming from.

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12 comments, last by TheNobleOne 19 years, 4 months ago
I am getting the following errors from my sdl experiment project. I just can't find where they are comming from. AnimationExperiment warning LNK4098: defaultlib 'msvcrt.lib' conflicts with use of other libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library AnimationExperiment error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _SDL_main referenced in function _main AnimationExperiment fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals here is the code

#pragma comment(lib, "SDL.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "SDLmain.lib")

#include <iostream>
#include <SDL.h>

using namespace std;
// animation struct
struct CAnimation
	int frameCount;
	int x;
	int y;
	int w;
	int h;

// sprite class
class CSprite
	CAnimation animation;
	int xpos;
	int ypos;

	void SpriteInit();
	void ChangeFrame();
	void DrawFrame(SDL_Surface *screen, SDL_Surface *frame);

// Initializes the sprite
void CSprite::SpriteInit()
	CSprite::animation.frameCount = 0;
	CSprite::animation.x = 0;
	CSprite::animation.y = 0;
	CSprite::animation.w = 63;
	CSprite::animation.h = 63;
	CSprite::xpos = 300;
	CSprite::ypos = 300;

// Changes the frame
void CSprite::ChangeFrame()
	CSprite::animation.x += 63;

// Draw the frame
void CSprite::DrawFrame(SDL_Surface *screen, SDL_Surface *frame)
	SDL_Rect dest;
	dest.x = CSprite::xpos;
	dest.y = CSprite::ypos;
	SDL_Rect source;
	source.x = CSprite::animation.x;
	source.y = CSprite::animation.y;
	source.w = CSprite::animation.w;
	source.h = CSprite::animation.h;

	SDL_BlitSurface(frame, &source, screen, &dest);

int main(char argc, char *argv[])
	CSprite sprite;

	// set up sdl
	if(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0)
		cout << "Error in initalizing SDL: " << SDL_GetError() << "\n";

	// create surfaces
	SDL_Surface *screen;
	SDL_Surface *frame;
	SDL_Surface *background;

	screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(600, 600, 24, SDL_HWSURFACE|SDL_DOUBLEBUF);
	// make sure screen was made
	if(screen == NULL)
		cout << "Could not create screen: " << SDL_GetError() << "\n";

	// load images
	frame = SDL_LoadBMP("dfly.bmp");
	background = SDL_LoadBMP("background.bmp");
	// draw the background
	SDL_Rect backdest;
	backdest.x = 0;
	backdest.y = 0;
	SDL_BlitSurface(background, NULL, screen, &backdest);

	// game loop
	bool done = false;
	while(done == false)
		// for events
		SDL_Event event;

		// event loop
			if(event.type == SDL_QUIT)
				done = true;

			if(event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN)
				if(event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE)
					done = true;
		sprite.DrawFrame(screen, frame);
	return 0;
My JournalComputer science education cannot make anybody an expert programmer any more than studying brushes and pigment can make somebody an expert painter. (Eric Raymond)"C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot. C++ makes itharder, but when you do, it blows away your whole leg."-- Bjarne Stroustrup
Did you try setting /NODEFAULTLIB:library in the linker options? Guessing here... but it sounds like you have a library that already statically links in msvcrt.lib... which is different to what is trying to be linked in here by default.

So, if you set /NODEFAULTLIB:library... it won't do the link...

Just a guess...
nvm what was here b4 I am still at these errors.

AnimationExperiment warning LNK4098: defaultlib 'msvcrt.lib' conflicts with use of other libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library

AnimationExperiment error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _SDL_main referenced in function _main

AnimationExperiment fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

I should not have to disable default libraries because all my other sdl apps work file with the default libraries enabled.

[Edited by - TheNobleOne on December 2, 2004 5:44:22 PM]
My JournalComputer science education cannot make anybody an expert programmer any more than studying brushes and pigment can make somebody an expert painter. (Eric Raymond)"C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot. C++ makes itharder, but when you do, it blows away your whole leg."-- Bjarne Stroustrup
It sounds like you're still linking to something (lib or dll) that uses the multi-threaded debug libs. If you haven't done a clean/rebuild, try that (if you have incremental linking on msvc doesn't always catch changes to libs). Otherwise either chance you project to use the mtd libs as well, or track down what's using it.
Ok I am back to the first 3 errors again. turns out I am suppose to use the multithreaded debug dll switch. However, I can't find why I have 3 those errors.
My JournalComputer science education cannot make anybody an expert programmer any more than studying brushes and pigment can make somebody an expert painter. (Eric Raymond)"C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot. C++ makes itharder, but when you do, it blows away your whole leg."-- Bjarne Stroustrup
The warning should have disappeared when you switched your project to use the multithreaded DLLs. Are you sure you did it properly?

The two errors are actually one problem being reported twice; it's a tricksy result of the way SDL does it's platform-independent code. Let me explain...

Because the entry point on a Windows app needs to be called 'WinMain,' as opposed to other platforms that usually just want 'main,' SDL hides the difference by providing WinMain/main for whichever platform you're using and having it call through to your own function (which is *always* called 'main'). That way you can just write 'main,' compile it on either platform, and SDL takes care of the incompatability in names.

However, you can't actually call it 'main' because (on many platforms) SDL is already providing a function with that name on non-Windows platforms [smile]

So, what it does is to provide a header file - sdl_main.h - which, when included, replaces the word 'main' with '_SDL_main' - so your function which appears to be called main() actually reaches the compiler as _SDL_main(). It doesn't have a problem with that; a name's a name, as far as it's concerned. SDL's own WinMain/main function thus includes a call to _SDL_main().

The problem is that you've not included the sdl_main.h header here, so your main() function isn't getting renamed. When the linker tries to connect the SDL library (which has a call to _SDL_main()) to your code (which isn't providing an _SDL_main()) function, it complains. That's what 'unresolved external' means - a function that the SDL library makes to outside of itself (i.e. an 'external' call) couldn't be found around anywhere else.

Including sdl_main.h should fix the problem; or, if you want, you could rename your main function to _SDL_main. Including sdl_main.h is the recommended approach, though.

Richard "Superpig" Fine - saving pigs from untimely fates - Microsoft DirectX MVP 2006/2007/2008/2009
"Shaders are not meant to do everything. Of course you can try to use it for everything, but it's like playing football using cabbage." - MickeyMouse

humm I added the #include "sdl_main.h" and I still got those errors.
My JournalComputer science education cannot make anybody an expert programmer any more than studying brushes and pigment can make somebody an expert painter. (Eric Raymond)"C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot. C++ makes itharder, but when you do, it blows away your whole leg."-- Bjarne Stroustrup
You changed:

#include <iostream>#include <SDL.h>using namespace std;


#include <iostream>#include <SDL.h>#include <SDL_main.h>using namespace std;

and still get exactly the same errors?

Richard "Superpig" Fine - saving pigs from untimely fates - Microsoft DirectX MVP 2006/2007/2008/2009
"Shaders are not meant to do everything. Of course you can try to use it for everything, but it's like playing football using cabbage." - MickeyMouse

yes exactly the same errors.
My JournalComputer science education cannot make anybody an expert programmer any more than studying brushes and pigment can make somebody an expert painter. (Eric Raymond)"C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot. C++ makes itharder, but when you do, it blows away your whole leg."-- Bjarne Stroustrup
from what i've seen from everyone else's code, i thought you included SDL files like this:
#include <SDL/SDL.h>#include <SDL/SDL_main.h>

or is that for something else?

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