Please rate my resume

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2 comments, last by roos 19 years, 4 months ago
Hi, I am trying to get an entry-level programming job in the industry. I think my demos are not too shabby, but I'm worried most employers will toss me aside as soon as they see my resume... So, I'm trying to create an awesome resume that will catch employers' interest and make them say "Hey, this guy sounds promising. Let me try his demos and see if he's worth an interview..." Here is a link to my resume in Word (.doc) format: My Resume I would greatly appreciate any feedback about this resume, what you think, what I can improve, etc. Also, if you think any areas of my background are weak, please let me know so I can work on them. Unfortunately my GPA isn't so hot, so I didn't even list it. I used to have a 3.8 or so, but my last 2-3 semesters I took a huge dive because I had some serious gaming addiction... :/ Also, as my objective, I wrote that I'm looking for a programming internship, not a full job, because I'm assuming off the bat that companies won't be interested in someone who's only done 3 months in the industry. Is this a good approach? Thanks *very* much in advance! roos
A couple of suggestions:

Since you are a new graduate you should maybe state your education level near the beginning. Also for your projects, it might be a better approach to select 1 or 2 big projects and explain them in more detail instead of listing so many projects. It is usually more attractive when you explain how you used some new technology technique to solve a problem instead of just stating the fact that you used the specific technology. Just something to think about. Good luck with the job search.
Sorry I can't help much since I've never worked in the game industry in the US. But it seems like you have good skills and B.S. degree right?
As somebody above mentioned, it might be better to move your education stuff up close to the beginning.
Oh, and usually in Japan, if you have some kind of working experiences (professional experiences), you list them close to the beginning, like under the objective. Is it common in the US too?
I don't know about it in the US, but I've never asked how good my GPA was when I got a programmer job in Japan.
Hi, thank you both very much for helping me out! I see your point, I will work on reorganizing the sections.

Hehe also btw eventually I am hoping to work in Japan for some time so thanks for the info about how things are there :) These days I am self-studying Japanese, still at a very beginner level but hopefully in 5-8 years or so I would be able to get along in Japan...


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