openAL problem

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0 comments, last by Ilici 19 years, 4 months ago
i just started using openAL yesterday. I've made a dll for it because i am using vb for this part of my game. I can play the sounds, and i no there is a limit on them. But i have loaded all the sounds at the beginning of my game which does not work. Is there a way to get around that because i have 400+ sounds and i need a non-laggy way to load and play them. any help would be great thx jake
If your sounds are about 50-100kb in size you could just load them when they are played and cache them.

In the sound structure make a timer that will let you unload the sound after some time. Also put a reference count which shows how many objects need that sound and when one such object is created increment this number. When one of these objects is deleted, decrement. If you get 0 then unload the sound.

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