Multiplication and division question

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4 comments, last by Nice Coder 19 years, 4 months ago
If some known division problems can be converted into a number that can be used to multiply to get the same answer like (number / 2) is the same as (number * 0.5). Is there a math calucation to determin what number should be multiplied from a division number ?
Number * (1/X) where X is the divisor in your original code (number/X).

Just precalc the 1/X part. (1/2 = 0.5 for instance)
A * (1 / D)

Where you would normally go 1/d

You can precalculate 1/d, or let your compiler do that for you. (assuming an optimising compiler).

The reson why this works?

A = A/1 (fractional)

Fractional division = reciprical & fractional multiplication

You calculate the recipcial by doing 1/d, you then do the fractional multiplication by doing the *. (this works because they all have the same demoninator, 1)

Nice coder
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Thanks, aftering reading that I realized what I was thinking. lol.
I forgot that when multiplying integers it's more like using percentages.
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yes, please do.
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