Loading the world mesh

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11 comments, last by Link 19 years, 3 months ago
Ok guys, i've learned as loading a mesh file (the player) and create a bounding box. Now i need to load also the world. So i've created it in 3dsmax and exported in .x file. It is no a big world but right a ground with trees and stones. Now what i need to do? I have to load it as a simple mesh (as i did for the player) or how? How can i specifie much bounding boxes for the various parts of the rambling ground?
if u want to make a culling system, a simple render(); function(that draws the mesh) will not be enough. i mean world files are big and has lots of vertices/polygons. so they need a culling sytem like BSP. a simple method to increase the performance, divide your map to portals and render the visible portals.
there are several documents on portals and portal engines.

BB is a property. i mean you should add it to your classes. (and make calculations with your coll. detect. system)
hope helps..
So i can using the cutting way, that is to load parts of the world just for the parts where the camera can see.
But i need to upply bounding box also at the ground, at the tree to handle the collision with the player, isn't it?
So inside 3dsmax i make all the world (complete) and exporting cutting parts, so i can load a part at the time, or how can i do?
what i mean to ask is, if i create the whole world graphic in 3dsmax then i need just to save a part at time in .x files to can load in the game jut the part within the objective of the camera?
none can answer me?
you are answering yourself. just divide your map to smaller parts manual and save them. then use a frustum to calculate which parts will be drawn. or just calculate their distances, it means sphere frustum.. it is the easiest way. explore about "portal engines" and "frustums".

and you may use bsp formats. there are tutorials on that @gametutorials. but so you should convert your map format to bsp, and if you can do it, just tell me. i did not see anyone that make a map in 3dsmax and export it "correctly" to bsp. i mean you will have to design your map again.

hope helps
What do bsp files are? Are them owner files of some games like Quake?
If i doesn't want use owner files format, how can i redraw the level map by myself?
bsp is a technic, i mean not every game use same bsp format. quake, doom, half life and lots of games use it. and lots of times you cannot use one game's bsp map in another game directly.
and bsp has data for lighmaps, culling... search about it @google...
if you want to make your own format, you should make importers, exporters, lightmappers, may be editors... it is not necessery, i mean just type xyz for bsp at your format. [smile] you can improve bsp. i mean you can add new features just like everyone does.

if you still want to make your own format search about exporters, imprters.. making a file format that has no extra features is neither hard nor necessery ( use your time for better things, like shaders or animation systems ) nehe #10 may give some basics..
ok but namco, capcom, konami, ea sports use bps?
How can i use bps? I need a tool? How i export from 3dsmax and import in my game?
My goal was to design all the level iside 3dsmax, design also the sprites(character and enemies), and export all of these in .x files, then load in my game.
Strting with some initial values as position of character decide what part of the level to load and show, then place the character, the start the game.
Why can i not do it? Is it complicate?

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