Converting Virtual Keys to Scan Codes (for DirectInput)

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12 comments, last by izzo 19 years, 3 months ago
Well, I found the tutorial here that describes it, but I'm running into one problem: This function doesn't work with the arrow keys (I haven't tested many other keys though). I know it works with the letters, and the shift key, but when I use VK_UP or VK_DOWN, it always returns false. Here's the function:
BYTE Keys[256]; //Keys is a buffer for a LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE8
bool keyboard_check(UINT key) {
 return (Keys[ MapVirtualKeyEx(key,0,GetKeyboardLayout(0)) ] & 0x80);
I'm not sure what I did wrong. (Yes, I am looping)
Projects:> Thacmus - CMS (PHP 5, MySQL)Paused:> dgi> MegaMan X Crossfire
Why don't you use DIK_ constants as in ? Maybe that's the problem.
Fil (il genio)
Well, with my game I'm going to *attempt*, I am going to make key configuration. I already have the psuedo stuff worked out on Game Maker, but I need a way to retrieve the key code (virtual is my preference) of the current key being pressed, using a loop (0-255). Plus, I have an array of strings that name each key, and uses the virtual key system (i.e. key_name[32]="Space"). It's easier to loop through with virtual key codes that it is with scan codes (I suppose).
[Sorry about replying so late]
Projects:> Thacmus - CMS (PHP 5, MySQL)Paused:> dgi> MegaMan X Crossfire
Which is the tutorial you are referring to?

[no problem! There is no timeout! ;-)]
Fil (il genio)
The tutorial is at:
That is where I got the function names for converting Scan Code to Win32 Virtual Keys.
Projects:> Thacmus - CMS (PHP 5, MySQL)Paused:> dgi> MegaMan X Crossfire
I've read just now the tutorial... your function is totally different if compared to the tutorial one! [oh] I can't understand why you added 0x80 (maybe you're interested in only the first 128 scan codes). Anyway you will never detect the VK_UP/VK_DOWN and other keys (such as F1, F2,...) because theese have multybyte scan code. The tutorial says "In most cases, using char(result[0]) would provide the desired output"... not in all cases! [smile] So, to solve your problem, you have to use ToAsciiEx function (as you see in the tutorial [smile]).

Hope this helps.

[Edit - added emoticons]
Fil (il genio)
Ah, now I see why it's an UINT. Thanks for the help. (Rating+)
Projects:> Thacmus - CMS (PHP 5, MySQL)Paused:> dgi> MegaMan X Crossfire
Happy to be of help. [cool]
Fil (il genio)
For reference in case you need to manually check the numbers... I spent three hours adding a way to assign controls to keys in my old Stormrunner game (mostly with coordinate placing of the bitmap.. ugh).

Ignore blah, calc, and temp. blah & calc were the coordinates while temp was the width (normally 22).

HIGHLIGHTED, on the other hand, is what is returned by wParam when a WM_KEYDOWN event occurs.

		//now draw the keys..		temp=22;		if(HIGHLIGHTED==VK_BACK)		{			blah=348;	calc=345;	temp=46;		}		else if(HIGHLIGHTED==VK_TAB)		{			blah=24;	calc=369;	temp=46;		}		else if(HIGHLIGHTED==VK_RETURN)		{			blah=348;	calc=393;	temp=70;		}		else if(HIGHLIGHTED==VK_SHIFT)		{			blah=24;	calc=417;	temp=71;		}		else if(HIGHLIGHTED==VK_CONTROL)		{			blah=24;	calc=441;	temp=46;		}		else if(HIGHLIGHTED==VK_SPACE)		{			blah=148;	calc=441;	temp=94;		}		else if(HIGHLIGHTED==VK_PRIOR)//page up		{			blah=474;	calc=345;		}		else if(HIGHLIGHTED==VK_NEXT)//page down		{			blah=474;	calc=369;		}		else if(HIGHLIGHTED==VK_DELETE)		{			blah=424;	calc=369;		}		else if(HIGHLIGHTED==VK_END)		{			blah=449;	calc=369;		}		else if(HIGHLIGHTED==VK_HOME)		{			blah=449;	calc=345;		}		else if(HIGHLIGHTED==VK_LEFT)		{			blah=424;	calc=441;		}		else if(HIGHLIGHTED==VK_UP)		{			blah=449;	calc=417;		}		else if(HIGHLIGHTED==VK_RIGHT)		{			blah=474;	calc=441;		}		else if(HIGHLIGHTED==VK_DOWN)		{			blah=449;	calc=441;		}		else if(HIGHLIGHTED==VK_INSERT)		{			blah=424;	calc=345;		}		else if(HIGHLIGHTED>47 && HIGHLIGHTED <58)//0-9		{			if(HIGHLIGHTED==48)			{blah=273;	calc=345;}//0			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==49)	{blah=48;	calc=345;}//1			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==50)	{blah=73;	calc=345;}//2			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==51)	{blah=98;	calc=345;}//3			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==52)	{blah=123;	calc=345;}//4			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==53)	{blah=148;	calc=345;}//5			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==54)	{blah=173;	calc=345;}//6			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==55)	{blah=198;	calc=345;}//7			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==56)	{blah=223;	calc=345;}//8			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==57)	{blah=248;	calc=345;}//9		}		else if(HIGHLIGHTED>64 && HIGHLIGHTED <91)//a-z		{			if(HIGHLIGHTED==65)		{blah=73;  calc=393;}//a			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==66) {blah=198; calc=417;}//b			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==67) {blah=148; calc=417;}//c			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==68) {blah=123; calc=393;}//d			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==69) {blah=123; calc=369;}//e			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==70) {blah=148; calc=393;}//f			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==71) {blah=173; calc=393;}//g			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==72) {blah=198; calc=393;}//h			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==73) {blah=248; calc=369;}//i			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==74) {blah=223; calc=393;}//j			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==75) {blah=248; calc=393;}//k			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==76) {blah=273; calc=393;}//l			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==77) {blah=248; calc=417;}//m			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==78) {blah=223; calc=417;}//n			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==79) {blah=273; calc=369;}//o			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==80) {blah=298; calc=369;}//p			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==81) {blah=73;  calc=369;}//q			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==82) {blah=148; calc=369;}//r			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==83) {blah=98;  calc=393;}//s			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==84) {blah=173; calc=369;}//t			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==85) {blah=223; calc=369;}//u			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==86) {blah=173; calc=417;}//v			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==87) {blah=98;  calc=369;}//w			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==88) {blah=123; calc=417;}//x			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==89) {blah=198; calc=369;}//y			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==90) {blah=98;  calc=417;}//z		}		else if(HIGHLIGHTED>95 && HIGHLIGHTED<106)//numeric keypad		{			if(HIGHLIGHTED==96)			{blah=509;	calc=441;}//0			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==97)	{blah=509;	calc=417;}//1			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==98)	{blah=534;	calc=417;}//2			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==99)	{blah=559;	calc=417;}//3			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==100)	{blah=509;	calc=393;}//4			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==101)	{blah=534;	calc=393;}//5			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==102)	{blah=559;	calc=393;}//6			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==103)	{blah=509;	calc=369;}//7			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==104)	{blah=534;	calc=369;}//8			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==105)	{blah=559;	calc=369;}//9		}		else if(HIGHLIGHTED==106)//num*		{			blah=559;	calc=345;		}		else if(HIGHLIGHTED==107)//num+		{			blah=584;	calc=369;		}		else if(HIGHLIGHTED==109)//num-		{			blah=584;	calc=345;		}		else if(HIGHLIGHTED==110)//num.		{			blah=559;	calc=441;		}		else if(HIGHLIGHTED==111)//numslash		{			blah=534;	calc=345;		}		else if(HIGHLIGHTED>111 && HIGHLIGHTED<124)//Function keys		{			if(HIGHLIGHTED==112)		{blah=62;	calc=321;}//f1			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==113)	{blah=87;	calc=321;}//f2			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==114)	{blah=112;	calc=321;}//f3			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==115)	{blah=137;	calc=321;}//f4			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==116)	{blah=175;	calc=321;}//f5			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==117)	{blah=200;	calc=321;}//f6			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==118)	{blah=225;	calc=321;}//f7			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==119)	{blah=250;	calc=321;}//f8			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==120)	{blah=288;	calc=321;}//f9			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==121)	{blah=313;	calc=321;}//f10			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==122)	{blah=338;	calc=321;}//f11			else if(HIGHLIGHTED==123)	{blah=363;	calc=321;}//f12		}		else if(HIGHLIGHTED==186)//;		{			blah=298;	calc=393;		}		else if(HIGHLIGHTED==187)//=		{			blah=323;	calc=345;		}		else if(HIGHLIGHTED==188)//,		{			blah=273;	calc=417;		}		else if(HIGHLIGHTED==189)//-		{			blah=298;	calc=345;		}		else if(HIGHLIGHTED==190)//.		{			blah=298;	calc=417;		}		else if(HIGHLIGHTED==191)//slash		{			blah=323;	calc=417;		}		else if(HIGHLIGHTED==192)//tilde key		{			blah=24;	calc=345;		}		else if(HIGHLIGHTED==219)//[		{			blah=323;	calc=369;		}		else if(HIGHLIGHTED==220)//backslash		{			blah=373;	calc=369;		}		else if(HIGHLIGHTED==221)//]		{			blah=348;	calc=369;		}		else if(HIGHLIGHTED==222)//'		{			blah=323;	calc=393;		}

@ deadimp:
if I were you I would give a look at instead of the code Evil_Greven posted. [smile]

@ Evil_Greven:
Instead of a so many lines of code [sick] you can make use of a switch statement with cases (instead of else if... else if ...). You can do yet better if you use an array:

struct {    int blah;    int calc;    int temp;} array[256];array[VK_BACK].blah=348;array[VK_BACK].calc=345;array[VK_BACK].temp=46;

an so on.

Instead of a switch you just need theese assignments:

int myblah=array[HIGHLIGHTED].blah;
int mycalc=array[HIGHLIGHTED].calc;
int mytemp=array[HIGHLIGHTED].temp;

P.S.- HIGHLIGHTED is a var so you should write it in lowercase, just to avoid confusion with constants (in uppercase) [smile]
Fil (il genio)

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