Help making a game menu.

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3 comments, last by Si0n 19 years, 3 months ago
How do I get started making a game menu. I have the Image I want to use. I am using directdraw for the gfx and using genaric windows input for the mouse. can some one list the things that are needed to get started? What I have came up with is. 1)load the image 2) find were the mouse pointer is at -> Not sure how to do this. 3) if you click or not. 4) check to see if you are in button area -> Not sure how to do this. 5) if mouse is in the button arrea then do something Let me know what else that needs to be done. I looked at the article about making a gui. But I am not using classes yet.
Quote:Original post by kingpinzs
1)load the image

Yep. You'll want to do that [smile]
2) find were the mouse pointer is at -> Not sure how to do this.

You need to handle the WM_MOUSEMOVE message in your windows message handler.
3) if you click or not.

Again you will want to handle a windows message, e.g. WM_LBUTTONDOWN.
4) check to see if you are in button area -> Not sure how to do this.

Have a RECT that holds the screen boundaries of your menu entries and use
PtInRect to query which entry the cursor is hovering.
5) if mouse is in the button arrea then do something

Exactly. [smile]
Let me know what else that needs to be done.

I looked at the article about making a gui. But I am not using classes yet.

Your list pretty much sums up everything you'll need to get a menu working. You cn add things like changing the image/text colour of hovered entries, but that's just eye candy (though pretty standard).

You also don't need to use classes at all.

Good luck!
My games typically have a single rendering function for the game.

However, when I add menus to a game, I put in what I call a "Screen" system.


{ //draw menu stuff
//render game screen

No need for classes there. Instead of a "playing" variable, I use a global GAMESTATE variable (ex. pause = 15, playing = 10, initialization = 0, menu = 5, player dead = 99) and adapt my functions from there.


can some one show me sample code about WM_MOUSEMOVE and how to use it to detirmin were the pointer is
int posX, posY LRESULT CALLBACK winProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam){       switch (uMsg)    {	    case WM_MOUSEMOVE:   	posX = LOWORD(lParam);	posY = HIWORD(lParam);        return 0;    case WM_DESTROY:    case WM_CLOSE:    case WM_QUIT:		         PostQuitMessage(0);                return 0;    }        return DefWindowProc(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);}

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