Decent Books?

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2 comments, last by cignox1 19 years, 3 months ago
I've been using to learn C++, and they just started charging money for their products. I'd like to find a different way to learn. Can anybody recommend some decent books? I finished the basics of C++, and I'm beginning Win32. Thanks, ~Dakar
Well how much is the "baisics"?

If you know c++ well enough you might want to learn about graphics such as OpenGL (I personally learned how to use OpenGL from a mixture of gametutorials, NeHe and the "OpenGL Programmers Guide 4rth edition", the last on is the book to learn opengl from) or DirectX, its really a matter of personal opinion to chooses which one you want to use. They both are capable of the same things.

Now if you don't know c++ well enough then I would suggest C++ primer, the book that I learned c++ from, very very excellent IMO.
______________________________________________________________________________________With the flesh of a cow.
Okay, maybe I poorly put down my requests.

I don't think I am at the level to play with openGL or DirectX right now, I'm looking for resources on beginning Win32.

The C++ primer book looks interesting, so I'll probably check into it.

If you want something free to learn the language from, then download "thinking in c++ 2nd edition" by bruce eckel. It's a very good book avaiable free on

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