SDL - performance question

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1 comment, last by jonahrowley 19 years, 2 months ago
I'm working on a very small 2d library to load and display SFF files (m.u.g.e.n. uses this file format for the gfx, and it's nothing more than a bunch of 8 bit PCXs grouped in a file with some extra info, like axis). My questions are: Do you recommend using SDL_BlitSurface instead of the function dibujar(), considering the conversion SDL should make if I'm using a 16bit surface as the main window? Do you recommend using assembly to do this very fast? (It's worth it?)

class SFF_Images
int numimages;
SFF_Image ** imagenes;
//blah blah blah

class SFF_Image
int group, index
int x,y
char *pal
char *rawdata
//more bla blah and foo

This is the code I use for drawing an Image onscreen:

void dibujar(SDL_Surface*pantalla, unsigned char*pixels,unsigned char*paleta, int alto, int ancho, int x, int y, int ex, int ey)
		Uint16 r,g,b;
		Uint16 ix,sy,dx,iy;

    //To avoid of-screen drawing = SDL Parachute deploy!
    SDL_FillRect(pantalla, NULL, SDL_MapRGB(pantalla->format,0xFF,0,0xFF));
    for(int i=sy;i<alto-iy;++i)
			for(int j=ix;j<ancho-dx;++j)



Well what you should do is profile each code and compare the values. Just from looking at it, I think that SDL_BlitSurface will be much faster than what you have. It is already an assembly optimized function, so why reinvent the wheel?
Don't blit these manually. Make a surface of the same format as the screen and load the pixel data into the surface manually converting the colors using SDL_MapRGB or load the image in its native format into an SDL_Surface and use SDL_ConvertSurface. SDL surface to video memory surface can be accelerated, but not if you use a function that puts the pixels manually. Your method is also more error prone, don't assume you know the color formats of the destination surface.

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