Info on scrolling tile maps.

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2 comments, last by leiavoia 19 years, 2 months ago
Is there a place on the net that shows how to do a scrolling map using SDL? My plan is as follows //Size of map 00000000000000000 00000000000000000 00000000000000000 //Size of screen 000 000 000 //Now when I reach the end of the screen with my character the map would shift towards the end of the screen. Is there a tutorial that can show me how this is done?
Mark St. Jean -
The way I'm doing it is to give the player free movement towards the edge of the window when he's at the end of the map. I accomplished that with a scroll function, which returns a boolean value if the map was able to be scrolled.

Player moving right:
       else if(key[KEY_RIGHT])       {            Sprite::AnimateEntity(player, buffer, Sprite::RIGHT, 0);            player.draw_direction = Sprite::RIGHT;            player.collision_direction = Sprite::RIGHT;                        if(test->Collision(player, player.x_vel, 0) == false)            {                if(player.x > SCREEN_W / 2)                {                    if(test->ScrollMap(Level::RIGHT, player))                    {                    }                    else                    {                        player.x += player.x_vel;                    }                }                else                {                    player.x += player.x_vel;                }            }       }

Scroll the map (if possible):
bool Level::ScrollMap(int direction, Entity& ent){    switch(direction)    {        case UP:            if(camera_y != 0)            {                camera_y -= ent.y_vel;                return true;            }            break;        case DOWN:            if(camera_y + ent.y_vel < ((map_height * tile_height) -                                         (v_tiles_on_screen*tile_height)) + (tile_height*2))            {                camera_y += ent.y_vel;                return true;            }            break;        case LEFT:            if(camera_x != 0)            {                camera_x -= ent.x_vel;                return true;            }            break;        case RIGHT:            if(camera_x + ent.x_vel < ((map_width * tile_width) -                                        (h_tiles_on_screen*tile_width)) + (tile_width*2))            {                camera_x += ent.x_vel;                return true;            }            break;        default:            break;    }        return false;}

It was pretty much just hacked together (notice the empty if block =)) It may give you a couple of ideas though.
position_on_screen = position_in_world_space - screen_offset

It's that simple. You have to keep track of the screen_offset as you move around though.

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