Bring life to a List View control ( NM_RETURN not working ?!)

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1 comment, last by 19 years, 2 months ago
Hey, I was implementing a list view control using win32 api and c++ and had to find out that it does not react on "pressing ENTER on a selected item". I figured out that it doest not receive NM_RETURN messages. However, it gets NM_DBLCLICK messages and reacts accordingly. Here´s a code snippet. Any ideas ?

	case WM_NOTIFY:
		if (wParam == IDC_LIST2)
			NMHDR* nmh = (NMHDR*)lParam;
			if (nmh->code != NM_RETURN && nmh->code != NM_DBLCLK)

			... handle message ...
[Edited by - Schwammerl-Bob on February 10, 2005 3:39:03 PM]
I can post more code if it helps, of course ..
You're returning "TRUE" from the containing window procedure when you handle this case, right?

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