which book

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8 comments, last by GameDev.net 19 years, 2 months ago
i am going to get a book for directx c++. my problem is there is only directx8 or 9 in bookshops around me. no diretcx7 but it is so old it doesnt matter anyway. directX8 is even old so for a beginner is it easier with directX8 or 9 to learn with C++ all things equal. there seems a lot more directx8 books around does directX9 simply has new features a beginner wouldnt care about.i just want to do simple 2D and 3D stuff to learn about. I like the simplest way to load a bitmap (no win api)
DX9 is the way to go. Setting up a Direct3D app. used to be a pain with old versions but they have made it easier. With Microsoft now releasing SDK updates every 2 months it will be impossible to find an up to date book but I would still aim for a recent DirectX9 book as not much will have changed.
------------------------See my games programming site at: www.toymaker.info
also, if you haven't had at least some linear algebra make sure you get a book with at least a simple primer in the back, otherwise when it comes to matrix transformations you may get a little confused.
2d is simple in directx 7.0 but in directx 8.0 and beyond you must go
through 3d pipeline. This is like going around the moon to go
to europe. (I know you get better performance but performance for
2d was never an issue for me). As for 3d you definitely want to
go for directx 9.0 for 3d gets simpler. As for a book I would suggest
one but I have forgotten the exact title. It is something like An
introduction to directx (9.0b). The author's first name is Wendy for sure. Ask book store near you to look up book with "directx" in title and "Wendy" as
first name of author (There are not many female authors in directx).
The book store will probably order it for you. This book concentrates on
directx not necessary game programming so it is good for the beginner.
It explains the concepts in DIRECT3d in a clear and precise way. It has
easy sample programs for each concept.
As a beg prgmmr trying to learn game programming myself, I must agree with Susan. The book is "Beginning DirectX 9" by Wendy Jones. I have it and have read a few chapters and it is quite useful and easy to read.. Also the same company provides "Beginning Game programming with C++". Also very good if you want to get them together..... But I suggest at least reading a C++ book first before doing either and getting comfortable with syntax and coding in general. OR simply hit up the numerous sites on free resource books for C++. Lots of help out there...
i will have a look at the books mentioned.
i am suprised to hear that directX9 is easier for a beginner, i knew doing 2D stuff was going through 3D pipeline.

are the issues with using VC6++ with directX9? I know the very recent dx9 sounds not too good
I read "Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 9.0" by Frank Luna and found it quite good. I can safely say I was never lost throughout.
Quote:Original post by AceWicked
As a beg prgmmr trying to learn game programming myself, I must agree with Susan. The book is "Beginning DirectX 9" by Wendy Jones. I have it and have read a few chapters and it is quite useful and easy to read.. Also the same company provides "Beginning Game programming with C++". Also very good if you want to get them together..... But I suggest at least reading a C++ book first before doing either and getting comfortable with syntax and coding in general. OR simply hit up the numerous sites on free resource books for C++. Lots of help out there...

a lot of people mentioned that book as being good. the review of that book on this website is bad. it claims a lot of the sample code doesnt work...is this true. (i find it hard to believe this myself)
I hang out at barnes and noble so I have looked at a lot of directx
books. Here is a short list for begginers.

Wendy Jones (see above) - excellent to understand basic concepts of
Beginning game programming (Jonathan s. Harbour) - Very simple examples
if you just want to drive in with some simple examples. One example
load a 2d bitmap and display it. One example load a 3d model and
display it. With those example you could make a game but his
examples with sprites don't compile (Hey Jon how could you put
code in your book that doesn't match the sdk version you put out!!!)

Frank Lune (see above) - a little technical (most of what you find in
in this book you can find on the microsoft directx webpage ci
Quote:Original post by Susan-gt
I hang out at barnes and noble so I have looked at a lot of directx
books. Here is a short list for begginers.

Wendy Jones (see above) - excellent to understand basic concepts of
Beginning game programming (Jonathan s. Harbour) - Very simple examples
if you just want to drive in with some simple examples. One example
load a 2d bitmap and display it. One example load a 3d model and
display it. With those example you could make a game but his
examples with sprites don't compile (Hey Jon how could you put
code in your book that doesn't match the sdk version you put out!!!)

Frank Lune (see above) - a little technical (most of what you find in
in this book you can find on the microsoft directx webpage ci

what about the bad review on Wendy Jones book

I have a j Harbour book with directX but this is VB, the other one you are mentioning is that C++ with directX? and it doesnt work...goto his website and demand it improved

I really REALLY dont like MS directX web help pages

sounds like there is a lot of dx( books about though

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