Alpha Blending Messed Up

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6 comments, last by 19 years, 2 months ago
Hey guys. I've done this so many times before, and not once has it turned out like this. [image] The left is the one with alpha, the right one is opaque. My blending is set to SRC: SRCALPHA, and DEST: INVSRCALPHA. I enabled depth testing. My model was imported from 3DS Max, and I disabled culling. Please help. Thanks.
Quote:I enabled depth testing.
you need to disable it or sort the polygons
yes i have tried both.
disabling z would make it less although still messed up.
and i don't know why i would have to sort it.
when i worked with beginner tutorials when i was just starting out on directx,
i never had to sort anything. and it worked fine.

any other suggestions? thanks.
do you have lighting enabled?
if so it might be the normals causing bad lighting
yes i do...
how do you suppose i should fix it, if that's the problem?
maybe turn culling back on?
well with backface culling, it only shows the front faces.
with frontface culling, it only shows the back faces.
and i would like to see both. that's why i'm using blending.
It will look better (cheap man's sorting, not perfect but good) if you:

1 Set backface culling to only show the back faces
2 Draw the object
3 Set backface culling to only show the front faces
4 Draw the object again

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