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1 comment, last by jagguy 19 years, 2 months ago
i should have posted my original message here (sorry). i dont know how to use a debugger in vc6++ on a win32 app. i simply add a breakpoint and f5 then program hangs i just want to get values of variables during my do i do it?
Care to be a little more specific?

Generally, you go Build > Start Debug > Go. Once your program blows up or hits the breakpoint, the variable window should be in the lower left side [unless you've muddled with the defaults]. You can also go to Build > Quickwatch while it's stopped like that to view non-local/auto'd variables and expressions. To continue from that stopped point step by step, use the 'step' command. [under build > debug iirc...] step into will go into your own functions and go through those step by step, step over will just execute them.
OK it works now, I dont know what happened before as i did the same

is there a way to get the program to run and dump variable values to another window while running?

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