MapModes and memdc

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-1 comments, last by olddude 19 years, 2 months ago
I can't seem to find out how to accomplish using a memory DC correctly when my Screen DC Mapping Mode is set to MM_ANISOTROPIC. Here's the information: I want to plot a world map using latitudes and logitudes without a lot of conversions, so I've set my screen DC as MM_ANISOTROPIC with Window Extents of 360000 x 180000. Then I set my Viewport ORG so that 0,0 is in center of the screen. Upper Left corner is -180000, 90000. Lower right corner is 180000, -90000. This satisfies the correct real-world orientation. Here is the code for that: SetMapMode (hdc, MM_ANISOTROPIC); SetWindowExtEx (hdc, 360000, 180000, NULL); SetViewportExtEx(hdc, cxClient / 2, -cyClient / 2 , NULL); SetViewportOrgEx(hdc, cxClient / 2, cyClient / 2 , NULL); I want to setup a memory DC so that I can write to it and then bitblt is to the Screen DC. I'm wanting to do this so that I can over-write the map with other objects that will be moving....such as airplanes, ships, etc... Here's the code I've used to set up the memory DC: GetClientRect(hwnd, &rc); hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc); hbmMem = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, rc.right-rc.left,; hbmOld = SelectObject(hdcMem, hbmMem); I'm confused on what mapping mode to set up for hdcMem. So I 0set: SetMapMode (hdcMem, MM_ANISOTROPIC); SetWindowExtEx (hdcMem, 360000, 180000, NULL); SetViewportExtEx(hdcMem, cxClient / 2, -cyClient / 2 , NULL); SetViewportOrgEx(hdcMem, cxClient / 2, cyClient / 2 , NULL); ??? And then on the bitblt.....what are the starting points for hdc and hdcMem??? BitBlt(hdc, -180000, -90000, 360000, 180000, hdcMem, -180000, -90000, SRCCOPY); I can't seem to find ANY examples of this anywhere. I've tried all sorts of combinations of MapModes for the hdcMem, and different BitBlts I am stictly using SDK, with no MFC, DirectX, or OpenGL. I know that sounds crazy, but I really want to see this through!! Anyone have any ideas???

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