Opening and closing a program programatically

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5 comments, last by mike25025 19 years, 2 months ago
I have a windows application (which does not create a window) I execute it like this.

   HINSTANCE m_HinstanceCallLogger = ShellExecute( m_WinBase, "open", "../CallLogger/CallLogger.exe", "", "", 0 );

How do I close this program (elegantly) when the calling program exits?
use ShellExecuteEx to get a HANDLE to the new process
then use TerminateProcess to end it
You'll need to use ShellExecuteEx, and the use WaitForSingleObject with a timeout. See below for some sample code which could be used to poll the application for running status. This is fairly inefficient because of the 0 timeout but it should be simple to modify.

class SafeShellExecInfo{public:    SafeShellExecInfo(const string& file, const string& parameters, const string& directory)        : file_(file), parameters_(parameters), directory_(directory), handleValid_(false)    {        // Prepare the raw structure        ZeroMemory(&ShExecInfo,sizeof(SHELLEXECUTEINFO));        ShExecInfo.cbSize = sizeof(SHELLEXECUTEINFO);        ShExecInfo.fMask = SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS ;        ShExecInfo.hwnd = NULL;                         // no parent window        ShExecInfo.lpVerb = NULL;                       // not trying to "open" a file        ShExecInfo.lpFile = file_.c_str();              // set the file to execute        ShExecInfo.lpParameters = parameters_.c_str();  // set the parameters to the executable        ShExecInfo.lpDirectory = directory_.c_str();    // set the working directory        ShExecInfo.nShow = SW_HIDE;                     // don't give child processes windows        ShExecInfo.hInstApp = NULL;                     // don't care about this value    }    void shellExecute()    {        ShellExecuteEx( &ShExecInfo );                  // start the process        handleValid_ = true;    }    bool isStarted()    {        return handleValid_;                            //     }    bool isRunning()    {        assert(handleValid_ == true);        return WaitForSingleObject(ShExecInfo.hProcess,0) == WAIT_TIMEOUT;    }private:    SHELLEXECUTEINFO ShExecInfo;    bool handleValid_;    const string file_;    const string parameters_;    const string directory_;};
I am thinking about more of a way to send information like variables from one application to another.

How can I do this withouth using something like winsock?�
Using a registry key is basically the same thing as using a file.

Memory mapping seems to somplicated for what I am trying to do.

I was thinking of something as simple as send and recv without actually needing all that winsock code.

Isnt there a way to set envrionment veriables or something? That way I could transfer data easily without too much code.

send would become set_env_variable
recv would become read_env_variable
you could create an invisable window and send messages to it

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