Web sites about language semantics, theory of programming languages,etc.

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5 comments, last by GameDev.net 19 years, 2 months ago
Hi, I am looking for some good resources on the web on programming languages. I searched on my own but did not find any really great sites that talk about language semantics, the vocabulary of programming languages, the different approaches at creating languages, discussion of pros and cons of different features. I am not looking to create my own language but I am asking out of personal interest. I know this seems more like the content of a college course than something you find online but has anyone found good information on these subjects ?
I would say learning these would be sufficient:

(Procedural and "common" OOP) Come from a Java,C,C++,C# background.
(Functional and strong macros) Learn Lisp and/or Scheme.
(Declarative?) Learn something like XSLT.
(Dynamic language style) Learn Python.
("Prototype-oriented" language) Learn &#106avascript. Enough to write some firefox extensions, because you never really learn &#106avascript when just writing for web pages.<br>("real" OOP) Learn Smalltalk.<br><br>That should cover a lot of different syntaxes and &#115;tyles. Anyone offer any other ideas? (Haskell, Prolog, Ada?)<br><br>Might also be a good idea to go through<br><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Programming_language">Wikipedia's page &#111;n programming languages, especially the Classifications section</a>
Same here.

Some random links that are interesting but not quite what i am looking for:
Lambda the Ultimate

Need I say more?
Thx, great link :)
Yes maybe the awnser is just to learn as many languages as possible and carefully read their docs. So far I have coded in C/C++, Ada, Assembler, Java, Visual FoxPro, C#, Basic and Python.

You can look at my professor's webpage for Programming Language Concepts (I think its along the lines of what you are looking for). Some of it deals with programming for the lego mindstorm robots, but there's also other assingments in Scheme, prolog, squeak, and other languages. (http://www.cs.rit.edu/~ats/plcr-2004-2/index.html).

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