ASE file format

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0 comments, last by Ainokea 19 years, 1 month ago
Hi,I'm trying to make a 3dMax animation loader but i can't understand some animation fields.

*BOUNDINGBOX_MIN 24.8324	-21.1050	-369.6972
	*BOUNDINGBOX_MAX 42.1628	0.4530	-348.6093
		*NODE_NAME "Bone07"
                         *CONTROL_ROT_SAMPLE 0	-1.0000	0.0000	-0.0000	0.0794
                         *CONTROL_ROT_SAMPLE 800	-1.0000	-0.0000	0.0000	1.6728

1.What does the bounding box mean?"
2.How do i use  *CONTROL_ROT_SAMPLE? (Are they keyframes?)
3.For what are the 0,800  index?

1.Bounding box is a box that goes around the model, it can be useful for frustrum culling and collision detection. The three floats you see afterwards are the width,height and depth of the bounding box.

For the other two questions I can't awnser because I never quite got animation to work properly.
______________________________________________________________________________________With the flesh of a cow.

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