Function Pointer + DLL Syntax Help

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1 comment, last by kag1 19 years, 1 month ago
Hello, I'm wondering what the proper syntax is for the following: Base.h

extern BOOL (CALLBACK *Functor) (DWORD, DWORD);

If I were to do a __declspec (dllexport)..where would I put it? I seem to be putting it in the wrong spot? When I try to use the dll it says Functor is undefined thanks
#define DLL_SYMBOL_EXPORT extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)DLL_SYMBOL_EXPORT BOOL (CALLBACK *Functor) MyFunc(DWORD dwWord,DWORD dwWord2) {}

That should work; although I haven't exactly worked with an API callback via DLLs yet; but that's where the __declspec goes. As far as I know you also need the extern "C" because C++ symbol tables turn out to be jumbled.
-John "bKT" Bellone [homepage] [[]email[/email]]
So then I should just leave my declaration the same then? and export the actual definition?

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