Accessing base class functions

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2 comments, last by Cygon 19 years, 1 month ago
Is it possible, when dealing with an derived object, to call the functions for the base class?

class A{
     // data members

     virtual void serialize()
          // code


class B : public A
     void serialize()
          // code

int main()
     B bObject;

     // call serialize for class A and B here

return 0;

Because I'm a little lazy and have a base class with about 17 data members, is it possible to call A::serialize and then B::serialize, both on the B object? I mean, I doubt it, because of, you know, typing and all, but, good to check anyway.
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? You should even be able to get away with a static_cast<A>, depending on whether B is inherited from A, which in your example it is... So yeah, static_cast should work...


Or am I missing your point here?

Sure, just specify the class for which you want to call the method like this:

class Base {    public:        virtual void foo() {}};class Derived : public Base {    public:        virtual void foo() {}};int main() {    Derived x;        x.Base::foo();    x.Derived::foo();}

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...or did you intend to automatically call A::serialize() upon B::serialize() being called. That's the responsibility of B's implementation, meaning you should do it like this

//// B's serialize() implementation//void B::serialize() {  A::serialize();  // Serialize own stuff}

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