Drawing a triangle at a time

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0 comments, last by RenderTarget 19 years, 1 month ago
Looking at the source of a md3 model view, I see that it draws a single triangle at a time without using vertex or index buffer. Although it seems necessary for interpolation, from what I know it is quite in efficient. Are there any solution to this? By the way, key frame animation seem to be out of date to make way for skeletal animation. However, models like .md3 are more freely available from the net. Are there any free skeletal model sources. In addition, any article on skeletal animation? Thanks.
There are ways of animating static meshes. Look up the SkinnedMesh or MultiAnimation D3D samples for some insight, and search around for Skinned Meshes or Skinning.

Maybe I'm wrong, since I've never worked with them, but I thought md3 models were skeletal models. I thought it was md2 models which were simply tweened from one mesh to another. In general animations are still keyframed at the bone level and skinned once the bones are calculated.
[sub]My spoon is too big.[/sub]

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