initialising base class variables that might change (solved)

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3 comments, last by Stevieboy 19 years, 1 month ago
Hi, I realise there was a disscussion on something similer in the beginners forum recently, but that was mostly about whether an item should be public or private. What I am trying to figure out is, how can you actually initialise or change a variable in a base class from a derived class? I know you can use the baseclass constructor in the derived classes constructor, but this doesn't deal with when you want to change something later. I don't think proper virtual functions are what I'm looking for either, because with them you have to change some of the implementation, or parameters etc. Any way this is what I need help on, basicly how can I set LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 p_d3dDevice, with dxShape, and not using an initialiser list etc, or changing the function parameters.

class GuiBase
	LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9	p_d3dDevice; //Our rendering device
	virtual ~GuiBase();
	virtual void BaseGetD3DDevice(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9  mp_d3dDevice);

};	typedef GuiBase*  LPGUIBASE;

class dxShape : public GuiBase //backgrounds, ornamentals etc
	virtual ~dxShape();
	void BaseGetD3DDevice(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9  mp_d3dDevice);
};	typedef dxShape*  LPShape;

ps, I know some of them are public, but I always do that until I am happy with it, then I make them private/protectred etc. Thanks for your help. [Edited by - Stevieboy on March 9, 2005 2:03:45 PM]
'protected' is the middle ground you're looking for. Derived classes [that are declared public or protected] have access to the base class' protected members, but not the private ones.

Hi, yeah I know but thats not my problem what I was trying to do is set the bases LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 p_d3dDevice, member from dxShape? Do I actually need a separate LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 member for dxShape? When ever I try to run this at the moment my program crashes.

This (modified) part of the code should work fine:
class dxShape : public GuiBase //backgrounds, ornamentals etc{public:	dxShape() {p_d3dDevice = /*Blah*/;}

You don't need a seperate version for your derived class at all.
oh no, it's my fault...

I didn't use "new" for my dxShape! I was using typedef to make them pointers, but then I forgot to call new.
It works fine now.

thanks anyway.

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