Keyboard buffer Allegro

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12 comments, last by Stompy9999 19 years, 1 month ago
so here's my gameloop:

         if(key[KEY_ENTER]){ PlaceBet();}    


and here's the function PlaceBet:

void PlaceBet()
    //Clear text and redraw border
    rect(buffer, 0, 0, WIDTH-1, HEIGHT-11, YELLOW);
    rect(buffer, 1, 1, WIDTH-2, HEIGHT-12, YELLOW);
    textout_centre(buffer,maintext,"Press + and - on keypad to change by $10",WIDTH/2,150,TXTCOL);
    textout_centre(buffer,maintext,"Press up and down arrows to change by $100",WIDTH/2,190,TXTCOL);
         if(key[KEY_PLUS_PAD])  {bet += 10;}
         if(key[KEY_MINUS_PAD]) {bet -= 10;}
         if(key[KEY_UP])    {bet += 100;}
         if(key[KEY_DOWN])  {bet -= 100;}
         if(bet<10)     { bet = 10;}
         if(bet>money) { bet = money;}
         rect(buffer, 0, 0, WIDTH-1, HEIGHT-11, YELLOW);
         rect(buffer, 1, 1, WIDTH-2, HEIGHT-12, YELLOW);
         textprintf_centre(buffer,maintext, 390,350,TXTCOL,"Money: $ %i",money);
         textprintf_centre(buffer,maintext, 390,380,TXTCOL,"Bet:   $ %i",bet);

Here's what happens...when I press enter at the main screen, it goes into the PlaceBet function, and updates the bet according to the keys pressed (so I know it's entering the while loop in PlaceBet). One thing is that it updates the keys TOO fast, so if I press + it goes up at least $50. But the big problem is that pressing ENTER doesn't end the while loop. When I press enter, it doesn't do anything at all actually. According to my code, it should exit the while loop and go back to main. Then, I should still be in the main while loop. So if I press ESC it should quit. But it doesn't do anything. I suspect I need to clear_keybuf() somewhere but I don't know where...any ideaS?
It's probably a better idea to use a gamestate rather than waiting for enter to be pressed:

while(!key[KEY_ESC]){    if(key[KEY_ENTER]) Betting = true;    if(Betting)       PlaceBet();}

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why is this better?
Well for one thing, you can draw the screen outside of the PlaceBet function. Have you tried the code I suggested? I think it will fix the problem.

By the way, make sure to install_timer() and call rest() to slow down the program. This way, your keys won't respond too quickly.
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I put your code in and it responds the same way...but I think I see that using gamestates sort of helps with the sensitive keyboard issue.
The problem is that I want ENTER to call the PlaceBet function from the while loop in main(), but once I'm in the while loop in PlaceBet, I use ENTER to exit that loop. I added a line for ESC in the PlaceBet function to quit the placeBet, and it works, but the same line for ENTER doesn't work.
did that make any sense
Oh I forgot! you need to also change your PlaceBet() function:

void PlaceBet(){    //Clear text and redraw border    rectfill(buffer,0,140,WIDTH,HEIGHT,BGCOL);    rect(buffer, 0, 0, WIDTH-1, HEIGHT-11, YELLOW);    rect(buffer, 1, 1, WIDTH-2, HEIGHT-12, YELLOW);        textout_centre(buffer,maintext,"Press + and - on keypad to change by $10",WIDTH/2,150,TXTCOL);    textout_centre(buffer,maintext,"Press up and down arrows to change by $100",WIDTH/2,190,TXTCOL);    //clear_keybuf();             if(key[KEY_PLUS_PAD])  {bet += 10;}         if(key[KEY_MINUS_PAD]) {bet -= 10;}         if(key[KEY_UP])    {bet += 100;}         if(key[KEY_DOWN])  {bet -= 100;}         if(bet<10)     { bet = 10;}         if(bet>money) { bet = money;}         rectfill(buffer,0,300,WIDTH,HEIGHT,BGCOL);         rect(buffer, 0, 0, WIDTH-1, HEIGHT-11, YELLOW);         rect(buffer, 1, 1, WIDTH-2, HEIGHT-12, YELLOW);         textprintf_centre(buffer,maintext, 390,350,TXTCOL,"Money: $ %i",money);         textprintf_centre(buffer,maintext, 390,380,TXTCOL,"Bet:   $ %i",bet);         blit(buffer,screen,0,0,0,10,WIDTH,HEIGHT);    }

and change your loop:

while(!key[KEY_ESC]){    if(key[KEY_ENTER]) Betting = true;    if(Betting)    {       PlaceBet();       if(key[KEY_ENTER]) Betting = false;    }}


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so where should I put a rest()?

Hi, ok, i think i know what your problem is and how to fix it without making a lot of changes in your code.

It's not that when you hit ENTER nothing happens, it's just that it happens way too fast for you to notice it. Supouse that you are in your PlaceBet loop and:

- you hit enter
- the loop exits
- PlaceBet returns to main.
- The while(!key KEY_ESC) repeats (you are not pressing esc)
- and then if(key KEY_ENTER) is TRUE!! (Why? the computer did it too fast for you to have enough time to take out your finger, and it thinks that your are still pressing it =) )...
- so you go in your PlaceBet loop again...

something interesting is that i bet that you will still be pressing enter so you come out and in from PlaceBet a lot of time before you finally lift your finger up, and chances are that you will be inside the PlaceBet function (its larger than your main)...

How to solve this? I suggest instead of wainting for a key in a continuos loop, you use readkey(), wich it STOPS the program until a key is hitted...

Just change your while(!key KEY_ENTER ) {} loop for a
do {
} while ((readkey() >> 8) != KEY_ENTER);
while(key[KEY_ENTER]); // this will wait until you lift your finger.

It will repeat your loop until you hit enter... if you hit another key it will go up again and do your if(key KEY-PLUS_PAD) ...etc...

hope that helps!! =) (i can't test the code here, so i cant be 100% sure it will work)

also, using the do {} while(); you wont be readrawing everything every single milisecond... only when necesary ;)
If you're going to use readkey(), you don't need to bother with all that jazz. It'll return keys at the same rate as if you were typing in a text box.

Otherwise, you could probably write a helper function (not tested):

/* Example usage:

// Do something. . .

bool testKey(int code)
if(code < 0 || code >= 256)
return false;

static bool was_pressed[256];

return false;

was_pressed = true;
return true;
was_pressed = false;
return false;

Chess is played by three people. Two people play the game; the third provides moral support for the pawns. The object of the game is to kill your opponent by flinging captured pieces at his head. Since the only piece that can be killed is a pawn, the two armies agree to meet in a pawn-infested area (or even a pawn shop) and kill as many pawns as possible in the crossfire. If the game goes on for an hour, one player may legally attempt to gouge out the other player's eyes with his King.
Quote:while(key[KEY_ENTER]); // this will wait until you lift your finger.

Where should I put this?
I've switched to using a do-while loop so it now reads as such:
    while(!key[KEY_ESC])    {          if(key[KEY_ENTER]) PlaceBet();    }

and then :
void PlaceBet(){    //...drawing stuff        do{         if(key[KEY_PLUS_PAD])  bet += 10;         if(key[KEY_MINUS_PAD]) bet -= 10;         if(key[KEY_UP])        bet += 100;         if(key[KEY_DOWN])      bet -= 100;         if(bet<10)             bet = 10;         if(bet>money)          bet = money;         rectfill(buffer,0,300,WIDTH,HEIGHT,BGCOL);         rect(buffer, 0, 0, WIDTH-1, HEIGHT-11, YELLOW);         rect(buffer, 1, 1, WIDTH-2, HEIGHT-12, YELLOW);         textprintf_centre(buffer,maintext, 390,350,TXTCOL,"Money: $ %i",money);         textprintf_centre(buffer,maintext, 390,380,TXTCOL,"Bet:   $ %i",bet);         blit(buffer,screen,0,0,0,10,WIDTH,HEIGHT);      }while((readkey() >> 8) != KEY_ENTER);      while(key[KEY_ENTER]);}

If I leave that last while(key[KEY_ENTER]) in there, it doesn't let me update the bet. If I take it out, I can update my bet just fine but it doesn't register
ENTER or ESC as leaving the PlaceBet function.

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