Window in a Class

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3 comments, last by DarkSlayer 19 years, 1 month ago
Greetings! I would like to get my window stuff into a single class, for example: class CMyWindow { public: virtual void Create(); virutal void WindowProc(); virtual void Destroy(); }; How to Register "WindowProc" when calling CreateDialog(... WindowProc()) ? Any ideas?
the problem is that the winproc has to be a static function. You cant pass in a class member as the message handler. You can however keep pointers to your window class and call the winproc member function from within the static message handler.
Quote:Original post by IFooBar
the problem is that the winproc has to be a static function. You cant pass in a class member as the message handler. You can however keep pointers to your window class and call the winproc member function from within the static message handler.

Thats how I do it too. Just use a global variable for your window (or something list-like if you have more windows to handle) and call the appropriate message handler member function from your window class from the static (and global)WndProc function.

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For this purpose, each window has properties which you can set to any value you wish using Get/SetProp(), e.g. the window class' this pointer. You also have the option of using the slightly faster Get/SetWindowLong(GWL_USERDATA, ...), however this might conflict with other libraries (like MFC) using this data member of a window.

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Let me show you a bit ...

This is my temporary window class, how you do it is up to you.
1. I have a MsgCenter class that all messages is sent to (not recommended, but I am experimenting with it), that is the m_MsgCenter object.
2. I can ONLY create 1 and only 1 object of this class. a small change is needed to make it create more (simple change).
3. I use a small struct to initialize the window ...
#ifndef WNDBASE_H#define WNDBASE_H#include "help.h"#include "msgcenter.h"#include "logg.h"struct WndType{	LPCTSTR title;	int	width;	int	height;	bool	fullscreen;	DWORD	exstyle;	DWORD	style;};class WndBase{	public:		WndBase( HINSTANCE hInstance, WndType type, Logg *logg );		virtual ~WndBase();		virtual int		CreateWnd();						// creates a window based on WndType		virtual int		Initialize();						// not in use at the moment		virtual int		Draw() = 0;								// pure virtual??		virtual int		Destroy();							// does cleanup		void			Show( bool show );					// show/hide a window		void			ShowMouse( bool show );				// show/hide cursor				MsgCenter*	GetMsgCenter();				// return the m_pMsgCenter			protected:		HINSTANCE	m_hInstance;			// Holds The Instance Of The Application		HDC			m_hDC;					// Private GDI Device Context		HWND		m_hWnd;					// Holds Our Window Handle		MSG			m_uMsg;					// message variable		DWORD		m_dwExStyle;			// Window Extended Style		DWORD		m_dwStyle;				// Window Style		RECT		m_ScreenRect;			// Grabs Rectangle Upper Left / Lower Right Values		RECT		m_ClientRect;			// Rect of client area		bool		m_fullscreen;			// fullscreen?		bool		m_active;		MsgCenter	*m_pMsgCenter;					Logg		*m_pLogg;		LPCTSTR		m_sCName;		WndType		m_WndType;	private:		static LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );		LRESULT MessageProc( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );		static WndBase *sThis;};#endif

mmmm.... was thinking of posting a simple .cpp code to just show the implementation, but the code is big, and awfull

But basically, just sett the sThis correctly, and the rest should be ok ...

I must clean up my code first, and improve a few small things before I can post this base class.
Once you have the this base class ready, you just inherit this object into your GDI, DX or OpenGl object to make a window object. It is not 100% DX friendly yet, but give me some time.

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