Resizing sprites with SDL and without SDL_Buffer

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1 comment, last by Joe_Slap 19 years, 1 month ago
Hi guys, my first post here, this community kicks ass! I wanted to know about the thread's subject, that's because I'd like to port my projects to Amiga and SDL_Buffer isn't available on that platform (yet). How can I realize dynamic sprite resizing in a game? It doesn't seem to work when I change surfaces size.. Thanks a lot! Bye :)
Try SDL_gfx @

You want zoomSurface()
Quote:SDL_Surface * zoomSurface (SDL_Surface *src, double zoomx, double zoomy, int smooth);

Zoomes a 32bit or 8bit 'src' surface to newly created 'dst' surface.
'zoomx' and 'zoomy' are scaling factors for width and height. If 'smooth' is 1
then the destination 32bit surface is anti-aliased. If the surface is not 8bit
or 32bit RGBA/ABGR it will be converted into a 32bit RGBA format on the fly.
Thanks but it's not available for Amiga, either. :(

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