FileHandler Error

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3 comments, last by Becko 19 years ago
ive writen a filehandler for loading file containig game data (maps, scripts, configs...who knows what else...) in ascii and binary using fstream.h after prototyping with the code i finally put everything in an class and made it working and everything wents just fine until the CloseFile(); is called, but the debugger shows that all code in there is succesfully executed and after that an big bad window shows saying "DEBUG ERROR Programm: ...Maps.exe DAMAGE after Block #52 at 0x...." if i press the Ignore button from this window the programm does its stuff as if nothing happend here is the code from CloseFile() void CFile::CloseFile() { if ((filemode & FILE_WRITE) != 0) file_out.close(); file_in.close(); filemode = FILE_NOTHING; pos = 0; } somebody know how to get rid of this evil error, already tried everything maybe its a problem of the debuger (cause "DEBUG ERROR...") from the IDE (im using vc++ 6.0) thx in advance 4 every good suggestion
-------------------------------------------------------------------"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are,by definition, not smart enough to debug it." - Brian W. Kernighan
I think you need to post more code if you want any help. My gut feeling is that your probably doing something with a file after its closed or something like that. However, I don't see anything that should be blowing up in that particular function. Perhaps the problem occurs elsewhere?

your right i called the CloseFile() function also in the destructor of the class
what a BAD idea

thank you rating+

EDIT: problem isnt solved, still same error
-------------------------------------------------------------------"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are,by definition, not smart enough to debug it." - Brian W. Kernighan
Can we see your read / write code? "DAMAGE after normal block" means you're overwriting an array. Also, what are the types of "file_out" and "file_in"?
file_in is a ifstream
file_out is a ofstream (isnt used in the current example)

here is some code

CFile.cpp //ithink this may be to much to read, so i cut this a little down

filemode = FILE_NOTHING;
pos = 0;

// CloseFile();

bool CFile::OpenFile(const char* filename, unsigned int mode)

if (filemode != FILE_NOTHING) return false; //object is already in use, first close

filemode = mode;
int open = ios::in;

//if nothing is said about binary or ascci code the first sign decides (A or a for ascii)
char c;
if (((filemode & FILE_BINARY) == 0) && ((filemode & FILE_ASCII) == 0)) {;
if (!file_in) return false;
if ((c == 'A') || (c == 'a'))
filemode = (filemode || FILE_ASCII);
open |= ios::binary;
}, open);
if (!file_in) return false;

if ((filemode & FILE_WRITE) != 0) {
open |= ios::out;
open = open^ios::in;
if ((filemode & FILE_NEW_TRUNC) != 0) open |= ios::trunc;
else open |= ios::app;, open);
if (!file_out) return false; }

return true;

void CFile::CloseFile()

if ((filemode & FILE_WRITE) != 0)


filemode = FILE_NOTHING;
pos = 0;


it also may be in that code
bool CMap::OpenMap(const char* ScenePath)
bool success;

if (!file.OpenFile(ScenePath, FILE_ASCII))
return false;

success = file.GetUInt(Size); file.EatWhite();
success = success && (file.GetUInt(Texs)); file.EatWhite();
unsigned int TexNameLength;
success = success && (file.GetUInt(TexNameLength)); file.EatWhite();
success = success && (file.GetUInt(Width)); file.EatWhite();
success = success && (file.GetUInt(Height)); file.EatWhite();

if (!success) { file.CloseFile(); return false; } //error-handler
success = true;

unsigned int len = Height * Width;
Textures = new char * [Texs];
Parts = new MapQuad [Size];
Collision= new bool [len];

unsigned int b1, b2;
for (b1 = 0; b1 < len; ++b1)
Collision[b1] = false;

char c; char * f; char * token;

for (unsigned int a = 0; a < Texs; ++a)
c = (char) file.Peek();
while (c == '|')
while (c != '\n')
success = success && (file.GetChar(c));
c = (char) file.Peek();

f = new char[TexNameLength];

file.GetText(f, TexNameLength, '\n');

token = strtok(f, "\n");
if (token == NULL) { delete [] f;
success = false;

Textures[a] = new char [strlen(token)];
strcpy(Textures[a], f);
delete [] f;

if (success)
signed int coll;
unsigned int x1, x2, y1, y2;
for (a = 0; a < Size; ++a)

c = (char) file.Peek();
while (c == '|')
while (c != '\n')
c = (char) file.Peek();

for (b1 = 0; b1 < 2; ++b1) {
success = file.GetInt(Parts[a].x[b1]); file.EatWhite();
success = success && file.GetInt(Parts[a].y[b1]); file.EatWhite();
success = success && file.GetInt(coll);

if (!success) break;

if (coll != 0) {
x1 = Parts[a].x[0]; x2 = Parts[a].x[1];
y1 = Parts[a].y[0]; y2 = Parts[a].y[1];
for (b1 = y1; b1 <= y2; ++b1)
for (b2 = x1; b2 <= x2; ++b2) {
Collision[b1 * Width + b2] = true; }

success = success && file.GetUInt(Parts[a].textur);
for (b1 = 0; b1 < 4; ++b1) {
success = success && file.GetFloat(Parts[a].u[b1]); file.EatWhite();
success = success && file.GetFloat(Parts[a].v[b1]); file.EatWhite();
if (!success) break;


return success;

[Edited by - Becko on March 29, 2005 1:36:34 PM]
-------------------------------------------------------------------"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are,by definition, not smart enough to debug it." - Brian W. Kernighan

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