Is It Possible To Pass Additional Parameters to DialogProc()?

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4 comments, last by Evil Steve 19 years ago
My DialogProc() function needs the ability to modify variables that are outside of its domain. Ideally, I want the ability to pass additional data to the DialogProc() function without using globals. Is DialogBoxParam() the proper way to do this? I want the ability to modify that parameter too. Should I pass a pointer to DialogBoxParam()? How can I retrieve and edit that value in DialogProc()?
One solution would be to pass a pointer to a structure or class to the DialogBoxParam function. Then on dialog init, you can save that variable to a static variable in the dialog proc.

Another would be to register a user-defined window message (RegisterWindowMessage) and use SendMessage to pass whatever you want in wParm/lParm. This is probably a cleaner solution than the local static. However, the custom message is only useful if you are using a modeless dialog.
As Dave said, you can pass a pointer to a struct if you want more than one parameter.
I always use SetWindowLong() to set the user data long to whatever I need. For example:
struct MyParams{   int n;   CClass* p;   string str;};MyParams* pParams = new MyParams;pParams.n = 42;pParams.p = this;pParams.str = "Hello World!";DialogBoxParam(hInstance,MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_DIALOG),NULL,StaticProc,(LPARAM)pParams);BOOL CALLBACK DialogProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam){MyParams* pParams;BOOL bRet;   // Store the data on WM_INITDIALOG //   if(uMsg == WM_INITDIALOG)   {      pParams = (MyParams*)lParam;      SetWindowLong(hWnd,GWL_USERDATA,lParam);   }    // Get pointer to struct //   pParams = (MyParams*)GetWindowLong(hWnd,GWL_USERDATA);   if(pParams)   {      bRet = pParams->p->DialogProc(hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam);      // Call delete on WM_DESTROY //      if(uMsg == WM_DESTROY)      {         delete pParams;         SetWindowLong(hWnd,GWL_USERDATA,0);      }      return bRet;   }   // Some message before WM_INITDIALOG //   return FALSE;}

That's not actual tested code, it's just an example. In my code I often just store the this pointer in the user data, and I don't need to delete it obviously.
I forgot about GWL_USERDATA. That's a much better solution than the local static.
Sorry for the late respone, but I just didn't get around to this by now.

After taking Evil Steve's code and tweaking it around to fit my program, I'm getting a few warnings. I'm not sure if they're serious or not. Other than that, my code is starting to look a bit freakish with all those pointers to vectors, so I'd like criticism on my code design too.

Here's my DialogProc(). I put comments around the lines where I get warnings:
INT_PTR CALLBACK PromptVerticesDialogProc( HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ){	switch( uMsg )	{		case WM_INITDIALOG:			{                                /////////////////////////// WARNING 1				SetWindowLongPtr( hDlg, GWL_USERDATA, lParam );                                /////////////////////////////////////				PostMessage( hDlg, WM_NEXTDLGCTL, (WPARAM)(GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDC_PROMPTVERTICES_X )), TRUE );			}			break;		case WM_DESTROY:			{				SetWindowLongPtr( hDlg, GWL_USERDATA, 0 );			}		case WM_COMMAND:			{				switch( LOWORD( wParam ) )				{					case IDOK:						EndDialog( hDlg, IDOK );						break;					case IDCANCEL:						EndDialog( hDlg, IDCANCEL );						break;					case IDC_PROMPTVERTICES_ADDVERTEX:						{							POINT pt;							pt.x = GetDlgItemInt( hDlg, IDC_PROMPTVERTICES_X, NULL, TRUE );							pt.y = GetDlgItemInt( hDlg, IDC_PROMPTVERTICES_Y, NULL, TRUE );					                ////////////////////// WARNING 2                                        		std::vector<POINT>* TmpVertexList = (std::vector<POINT>*)GetWindowLongPtr( hDlg, GWL_USERDATA );                                                        ///////////////////////							TmpVertexList->push_back( pt );							char NotificationText[ 1024 ];							wsprintf( NotificationText, "Added vertex ( %d, %d ).", pt.x, pt.y );							SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_PROMPTVERTICES_X, NULL );							SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_PROMPTVERTICES_Y, NULL );							SetWindowText( GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDC_PROMPTVERTICES_NOTIFICATIONTEXT ), NotificationText );							PostMessage( hDlg, WM_NEXTDLGCTL, (WPARAM)(GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDC_PROMPTVERTICES_X )), TRUE );						}						break;				}			}			break;		default:			return FALSE;	}	return TRUE;}

If it matters, here's where I call the dialog box:
std::vector<POINT> TmpVertexList;	INT_PTR nResult = DialogBoxParam( g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDD_PROMPTVERTICES_MAIN ), g_hWnd,		reinterpret_cast<DLGPROC>(PromptVerticesDialogProc), (LPARAM)&TmpVertexList );

The warnings I receive are:
warning C4244: 'argument' : conversion from 'LPARAM' to 'LONG', possible loss of datawarning C4312: 'type cast' : conversion from 'LONG' to 'std::vector<_Ty> *' of greater size        with        [            _Ty=POINT        ]

1) Do these warnings matter?
2) Is there a better way to restructure my code?
1) Nope. That's MSVC going crazy over 64-bit portability issues. It's extremely annoying, since that warning is actually completely wrong.
2) Your code looks fine really, that's pretty much how I'd do it.

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