where do you get game ideas?

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12 comments, last by CodeTitan 19 years ago
This is more general than most questions on this site, but I'm a little stumped. I've been dabbling in learning the basics and making some simple games as exercises for learning the API (allegro) and refreshing my c++ skills. But now I'm ready to actually do something new and creative with it and I'm not sure how to go about it. Where do you get ideas for games once you get beyond mimicking classics as exercises? I know this is probably an impossible question to answer as a rule, but just curious where people draw inspiration from. I started making a space invaders type game but I want to actually feel like there's a purpose for me making the game, to add some new feature or some reason to actually get on with it. Any suggestions?
Well, think about just what a game is.

All games are is a goal, with a set of rules. Those rules can be as simple as guess the correct random number, and you either win or lose on your guess, or you can have more complex rules like inputing controls to a 3D world and lining a 'shot' up with an oppenent in a Halflife2/Halo2 style world.

Now, HL/H all go back to 'guess the correct number' game. at their bases core, they're both the same thing: Input all the 'correct' infromation to the game to meet the 'winning' conditions.

Now, how you come up with those rules and goals, :P THAT is all in how you can see the world, and present your goal, and shape your rules.
Old Username: Talroth
If your signature on a web forum takes up more space than your average post, then you are doing things wrong.
...I could write millions of lines on this subject but not know.

Just a little advice: start with an arcade simulator of something. For example, you control a spaceship and fight foes. Simple, huh? Then add the possibility to modify your ship/buy weapons/upgrades etc. Cool! Then make a world so that the player can explore it, land on different planets, speak with people, get quests etc.

That's a start for you, IMO.
I'd definetly say that a glass is half-empty!
if you play a game and have a thought like "wouldn't it be cool to ..." then remember this "..." and implement it into your game.
I can't give you examples
Now get down on your hands and knees and start repeating "Open Source Good, M$ Evil", smacking your head against the pavement after each repetition. Once you have completed your training you may change your first name to GNU/, to show that you are free from the slavery of the closed source world. -Michalson
What I do is keep a notebook with me at all times and anytime I think of a new idea for a game or think something might be cool in a game i jot it down. Then when i'm ready to create a game I go over my list weed out all the crap, and there is a lot of crap.

Then I'm left with a few gems, or at least what I consider to be gems and expound on them. Then whatever isn't crap from that session I use to create a game.
Just stand in the forums for a while. Many people come with ideas for the next MMO/RPD/SHOOTEMUP/RTS/ARCADE/CIVILIZATION game (just a bad joke) :)

You should keep increasing your skills. The more skill you have, the more rules you can handle in your game and better presentation. Then you can create any game variant you can think of.


true story:

For some reason while curling I thought wouldn't it be cool to play this game, and just smash the rocks together? But that's pointless, perhaps if you could go behind the rock and for 30 seconds or so smash into each other and whoever was closest at the end would win.

2 weeks later:
Stones!!!! 2 player edition

Then from that gave me the idea, what would happen if I took the game and made it really hard, and at the same time make it impressive to losers with no friends.. Then a week later came:
Stones!!!! 1 player edition

So yea, getting game ideas kinda goes like that.
When thinking of a new game idea, do not think of other games. Think of any situation in life. Look at bugs moving on the ground, a paper bag flying in the wind, kids playing in a playground, rain coming down a window, water going down the drain, watch TV and see real life situations. Think of types of gameplay that could come from that situation.

For example, if you're sitting inside on a rainy day, look outside and you'll see raindrops slowly going down the window. You could make so many types of gameplay from this simple situation. You could be a ladybug trying to reach the top of the window but can't because of the rain drops sliding down the window...
Rob Loach [Website] [Projects] [Contact]
Ask your non-programming friends. They always want that "thier" idea would be published.
I have a game idea that was derived from some of my favorite games on the market. Take the best ideas from them and a few things I'd like to see added and there I am. I'm now stuck with the problem of getting it coded. I've got coding experience in other things, like VB but not VC++.NET. So here I am in the beginners section.

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