Next book?

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7 comments, last by Aiursrage2k 19 years ago
Hi all. I'm pondering over the next book I should purchase. I'm going down the C++ route of development and wanted your advice. I've visited the book section of the site but still don't really know. I have already got a few of books in my library for C++; Beginning Game programming in C++ (which is excellent) and accelerated C++ (which I'm not too impressed with) and The C++ Programming Language (Fantastic reference). I've also got the PDFs of Thinking in C++ (Vol 1 & 2), but do prefer having actual books to study from and refer back to. I was thinking about The C++ Primer, but am still not too sure. I have written 2 games, TicTacToe and a Tetris clone (Thanks for all the feedback), but know I still have a LONG way to go in devleoping my C++ skills. My greater goal is to develop a 3-D racer, but that's a 5 year (or more) plan, and know that I have to do things step-by-step. Any thoughts and/or recommendations?
Gary.Goodbye, and thanks for all the fish.
I'd say those books are entirely sufficient for now. The C++ complete reference and an introductory book like Accelerated C++ are amply sufficient IMHO.

Just practice, program new things, try different strategies. Learn to design and become proefficient with OOP.

Have fun [grin]
I teleported home one night; With Ron and Sid and Meg; Ron stole Meggie's heart away; And I got Sydney's leg. <> I'm blogging, emo style
I've been really impressed with Robert Lafore's effort in Object Oriented Programming in C++. I've read through it completely and still use it as a reference from time to time. It starts from the very basics and slowly goes onto some object orientation and the STL. It introduces everything very nicely while still giving you what it evolved from in C. Amazing book, you should check it out next time you're at the store. You might want to skim through it before you get it though as you might already know a quarter of the content that's in there seeing as you've already done a tetris clone.

I just recently got Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 9 by Frank Luna and it's very well writen as well. I've only read through about a quarter of it so far and haven't gotten around to doing anything using DirectX yet. It also introduces everything nicely and provides you with the background knowledge before you jump in and get lost.
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You might find C++ for Game Programmers by Llopis a good book. It does't cover technical details like graphics, collision detection, etc, but rather focuses on which c++ techniques and strategies are relevant to games. It is geared toward readers with at least intermediate c++ knowledge.

Other great books about programming include Design Patterns, Refactoring, and The Pragmatic Programmer.

And of course there are the Game Programming Gems Series and the OpenGL Red Book....

Happy Coding!
Thanks guys...given me a good starting point.
Gary.Goodbye, and thanks for all the fish.
It sounds as though you've got a good programming foundation, especially with C++. I'd take some time now and research specific topics. Maybe look at some algorithms or focus on object oriented programming. You don't necessarily need to buy books to learn more.

Read some articles, check out the library, just get a list of stuff to learn and then learn it from wherever.

If you'd like a little more direction, list what you know so far. I assume data types (variables) and control statements (if, for, while). Do you know about pointers? Abstract data types? Or both (linked lists)? We can point to the next step from there.

Hope this helps!
Without order nothing can exist - without chaos nothing can evolve.
I agree with most posters here. You have enough C++ reference and you don't need another primer book or learn how to for C++. If you want to go deeper in C++, look for Effective C++ and/or More Effective C++. Maybe mordern C++ design for templates.

On OOP side, a good introduction to pattern would be Design Pattern Explained. He uses pattern to teach OOP instead of you learning OOP to eventually use pattern. The approach is different and might very well work better than the traditional way.

Good reading,

Shadx give you an indication of the kind of level I'm currently at please take a look at the two games I've written and see what you think:

TicTacToe and

Hey, thanks for all the info. This really is a great forum and website.
Gary.Goodbye, and thanks for all the fish.
The games seem to work well (tetris), the only complaint is that its kind of slow. I think you are rendering the whole world after every render, it would be better to only redraw things that have changed.

Conio and/or curses libarys are what I suggest.
Insufficent Information: we need more infromation

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