is GLUT Multithreaded?

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2 comments, last by zedzeek 19 years ago
Hi, I have noticed that GLUT applications usually out perform normal Windows GL and D3D applications when performing complex calculations such as physics and AI. Is this because GLUT is multithreaded? The only other explanation is that GLUT is more optimized than Windows GL and D3D. thanks in advance
no they should all run roughly the same speed, are u comparing exactly the same glut program with a sdl or win32 one

Yeah I've compared one function in two different programs. I have made sure that the compiler settings are exactly the same apart from the fact that GLUT runs a console.
does glutPostRedisplay() call a WM_PAINT message?
The windows app is optimized for rendering so I think maybe it calls WM_PAINT too often.
Quote: glutPostRedisplay() call a WM_PAINT message

no, u can see in the lib directory of glut for its source code

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