Hello World

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16 comments, last by vinb 18 years, 12 months ago
What would be the hello world of a game? Can anyone show me where to fine an example of a well commented source for a fairly basic game. something so i can get an idea of the different libraries and how they work?
Im not really sure what you want. I dont know what part of a game that is reffered to as "hello world". Could you explain it a little more?

There are plenty of games in open source with very nice code. Ill see if I can dig up anything.
Tic tac toe is the hello world of games. I'm not sure which programming language you're using but here's my version of ttt in C++

#include <cstdlib>#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main(int argc, char *argv[]){  char grid[9]={'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8'};  int i, ch;  char player='X',winner='.';     while (winner=='.') { // '.' means no one has won    // swap players    if (player=='X') player='O'; else player='X';    // draw board    for (i=0;i<9;i=i+3) cout << grid << grid[i+1] << grid[i+2] << endl;    // get user input    cout << "Player "<<player<<" turn:";    cin >> ch;    // put the player's go into grid[] array    grid[ch]=player;    // check for winner    for (i=0;i<3;i++) {      // check for vertical win      if (grid==grid[i+3] && grid[i+3]==grid[i+6]) winner=grid;        // check for horizontal win      if (grid[i*3]==grid[(i*3)+1] && grid[(i*3)+1]==grid[(i*3)+2]) winner=grid[i*3];     }    // check for diagonal wins    if (grid[0]==grid[4] && grid[4]==grid[8]) winner=grid[0];    if (grid[2]==grid[4] && grid[4]==grid[6]) winner=grid[2];    system("cls"); // clear screen  }  // draw board again  for (i=0;i<9;i=i+3) cout << grid << grid[i+1] << grid[i+2] << endl;  cout << "Winner is " << player <<endl;    system("PAUSE");    return EXIT_SUCCESS;}
Ah I see :P. Hello world is the first you do when you do the basic programs, you want the basic game. :P

Well Ive just finished my snake clone (you know the one from the nokia phones?) as a ascii game in console c++. If you want the source just ask, but that tic tac toe looks a liiittle bit simplier. :P
Paper/Scissors/Rock is an easy game to make.
For graphical games, maybe pong.
for console: number guessing game is pretty easy:

computer picks random number (1 to 1000)
you guess
comp -> too high / low
you try again
comp -> too high to low

you have to get the number whithin 10 guesses

for graphical: pong / connect 4 / noughts and crosses / checkers ...
(only 2 player ie. no AI)
www.stickskate.com -> check it out, some gnarly stick skating movies
I'd say tic tac toe or pong are good. Tetris is more complex as is breakout etc... PacMan, tetris, breakout, are good for second games in my opinion.

Im thinking guess the number is probably the simplest game to implement. Memory type games are pretty easy and cool too becuase you can expand upon them as you learn gfx.
Ive done a rock/paper/sciccors:
#include <iostream>#include <ctime>#include <cstdlib>using namespace std;int main(){    cout<<"welcome to the rock paper sciccors game!"<<endl;    int times;    cout<<"how many times would you like to play?"<<endl;    cin>>times;    int choice;    int computer;    int score = 0;    int compscore = 0;    cout<<"enter a 1 to three.1:rock,2:paper,3:sciccors"<<endl;        for(int i=0;i<times;i++)    {           choice=0;           cin>>choice;           switch(choice)           {               case 1:                   cout<<"you did rock."<<endl;                   break;                                      case 2:                       cout<<"you did paper."<<endl;                       break;                                              case 3:                           cout<<"you did sciccors."<<endl;                           break;                                                      default:                             cout<<"not a valid choice. ener a valid choice."<<endl;                             i=i-1;                             cin>>choice;                             continue;                             break;                                                      }          computer=0;          srand(time(0));                                              computer=(rand() % 3) + 1;          switch(computer)          {              case 1:                  cout<<"computer did rock."<<endl;                  break;                                    case 2:                      cout<<"computer did paper."<<endl;                      break;                                            case 3:                          cout<<"computer did sciccors."<<endl;                          break;                      }         switch(computer)         {             case 1:                if(choice==3)                {                    cout<<"computer won round!"<<endl;                    compscore=compscore+1;                }             else if(choice==2)                        {                    cout<<"player won round!"<<endl;                    score=score+1;                }                else if(choice==1)                {                    cout<<"you got the same move as the computer. Do this round again."<<endl;                    i=i-1;                    continue;                }                break;                                case 2:                 if(choice==1)                 {                     cout<<"player won round!"<<endl;                     score=score+1;                 }                 else if(choice==3)                 {                     cout<<"computer won round!"<<endl;                     compscore=compscore+1;             }             else if(choice==2)             {                 cout<<"you got the same move as the computer. Do this round again."<<endl;                    i=i-1;                    continue;                }                break;                            case 3:                if(choice==2)                {                    cout<<"computer won round!"<<endl;                    compscore=compscore+1;                }                else if(choice==1)                {                    cout<<"player won round!"<<endl;                    score=score+1;                }                 else if(choice==3)                 {                     cout<<"you got the same move as the computer. Do this round again."<<endl;                    i=i-1;                    continue;                }                break;            }        }        if(score>compscore)        {            cout<<"player won game!!!"<<endl;        }        else if(score<compscore)        {            cout<<"computer won game!!!"<<endl;        }        else if(score==compscore)        {            cout<<"it was a tie!!!"<<endl;        }        system("pause");    }                                                      

its not commented, sorry.
I program in my sleep,but when I sleep I use the partition in my head that doesnt have g++ or the .net library, so im kinda screwed.

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