[web] php events calendar

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5 comments, last by Wan 18 years, 11 months ago
Well, after I got my feet wet with a Petals Around the Rose program, I decided it was time to move on to bigger and better things. So, I made an Events Calendar. Feel free to check it out and add your own events. I will eventually delete your entries as they are for test purposes only. I don't have a zip program here at work, so I am just going to include the source below. Let me know if you have any suggestions. Thanks. EDIT:Check out the comments towards the bottom of the displayevent.php file that talk about *age. A pretty neat feature in my opinion. There is a lot of potential for other uses of this as well. Be creative! ccalendar.php

*	ccalendar.php				*
*						*
*	Created by: Mr. Tie Dye			*
*	5/11/05					*
*						*
class ccalendar
	var $month;		//the month of the displayed calendar
	var $numOfDays;	//the number of days in the displayed month
	var $startDay;	//the day of the week the month starts on
	var $endDay;	//the day of the week the month ends on
	var $year;		//the year of the displayed calendar
	var $numOfEvents;		//the number of events in the mySQL database
	var $events = array();	//An array to hold the events

*	The constructor for ccalendar. This sets*
*	up some of the initial variables. 	*
*	ccalendar takes a single integer for its*
*	argument. This specifies which month we *
*	are dealing with.			*
	function ccalendar($m)
		$this->month = $m;	//assign the month
		if(!$_POST['year'])	//if a year has not been posted,
		{				//then we must be dealing with the 
						//current year.
			$this->year = date('Y'); 
		else				//if a year has been posted, then 
		{				//that is the year we need to deal 
			$this->year = ($_POST['year']);

		if($this->month == 13)	//wrap around the month so we don't
		{				//end up with a month larger than 12
			$this->month = 1;
		if($this->month == 0)	//wrap around the month so we don't
		{				//end up with a month less than 1
			$this->month = 12;

		$this->numOfDays = $this->getNumOfDays();	//get the number of days
		$this->startDay = $this->findStartDay();	//find the start day
*	Now that out ccalendar class is *
*	initilized, we can draw it	*
	function drawCalendar()
		<table border=4>		<?php //we want a thick border ?>
				<?php //This will display the name of the month at the top of the calendar ?>
				<td colspan=7 align=center><font size=10> <?php echo $this->getCalMonth(); echo ' '; echo $this->year; ?> </font></td>

				<?php //Now, display each week day ?>
				<th width=14%><font size=5>Sunday</font></th>
				<th width=14%><font size=5>Monday</font></th>
				<th width=14%><font size=5>Tuesday</font></th>
				<th width=14%><font size=5>Wednesday</font></th>
				<th width=14%><font size=5>Thursday</font></th>
				<th width=14%><font size=5>Friday</font></th>
				<th width=14%><font size=5>Saturday</font></th>

		$currentWeekDay = $this->startDay;	//find out what day this calendar starts on
		$dayOfMonth = date('j');		//find out what day it is currently
		$this->extractEvents();			//get all the events for this month
		//draw empty table squares until we get to the first day of the month
		for($i=1; $i < $this->startDay; $i++)
			?> <td></td> <?php
		//now loop until we are at the end of the month
		for($a=1; $a < ($this->numOfDays+1); $a++)
			//If we are at the current day, highlight it in yellow
			if($dayOfMonth == $a && $this->month == date('n') && $this->year == date('Y'))
				?> <td align=right valign=top height=100 bgcolor="#ffff00"> <?php	
				//otherwise, leave it white
				?> <td align=right valign=top height=100> <?php					

			//put in the date and make it a link to insert.php with the arguments for this day
			//This will allow us to set the defaults in insert.php
			<a href="insert.php?date=<?php echo $a; echo '&month='; echo $this->month; echo '&year='; echo $this->year;?>"><?php echo $a; ?></a><br> 


			//loop through the events
			for($b=0; $b < $this->numOfEvents; $b++)
				//if the event belongs to this month and year
				//or, the event belongs to this month and it is re-occuring
				if($this->events[$b]['month'] == $this->month && $this->events[$b]['date'] == $a && ($this->year == $this->events[$b]['year'] || $this->events[$b]['occur'] == 1))
					//make a link to displayevent.php with the event id
					//as the argument
						<a href="displayevent.php?id=<?php echo $this->events[$b]['id'];
						?>" target="new"> <?php						
						echo $this->events[$b]['title']; ?> </a><br><?php			
			?> </td><?php	
			//We are done with that day, so increment to the next day
			$currentWeekDay ++;

			//wrap around the week day so we don't wind up with 
			//a week day larger then 7
			if($currentWeekDay == 8)
				?> </tr> <tr> <?php
				$currentWeekDay = 1;

		//By now, we are at the end of the month, so remember
		//which week day this month ended on
		$this->endDay = $currentWeekDay;

		//wrap around the week day so we don't wind up with 
		//a week day larger then 7
		if($this->endDay == 8)
			$this->endDay = 1;

		if($this->startDay == 8)
			$this->startDay = 1;
				<td align=left>

					<?php //add a button on the bottom left for the previous month ?>
					<form action="index.php" method="post">
 						<input type="hidden" name="month" value="<?php echo $this->month-1; ?>">
						<input type="hidden" name="year" value="<?php echo $this->year; ?>">
 						<input type="hidden" name="endDay" value="<?php echo $this->findPrevStartDay(); ?>">
 						<input type="submit" value="Previous Month">


				<td align=right>

					<?php //add a button on the bottom right for the next month ?>
					<form action="index.php" method="post">
 						<input type="hidden" name="month" value="<?php echo $this->month+1; ?>">
						<input type="hidden" name="year" value="<?php echo $this->year; ?>">
 						<input type="hidden" name="endDay" value="<?php echo $this->endDay; ?>">
 						<input type="submit" value="Next Month">

*	Since integers are easier to deal	*
*	with, we pass the month as an 		*
*	integer. But sometimes, we want it	*
*	converted to a string for		* 
*	displaying				*
	function getCalMonth()
		//switch the month to determine with month we are talking about
			case 1:
				$currMonth = 'January';

			case 2:
				$currMonth = 'February';

			case 3:
				$currMonth = 'March';

			case 4:
				$currMonth = 'April';

			case 5:
				$currMonth = 'May';

			case 6:
				$currMonth = 'June';

			case 7:
				$currMonth = 'July';

			case 8:
				$currMonth = 'August';

			case 9:
				$currMonth = 'September';

			case 10:
				$currMonth = 'October';

			case 11:
				$currMonth = 'November';

			case 12:
				$currMonth = 'December';
		return $currMonth;	//return the string

*	We need to know how many days are	*
*	in a given month. Since this varies	*
*	from month to month...			*
	function getNumOfDays()
			case 1:
				$numDays = 31;

			case 2:
				$numDays = 28;

			case 3:
				$numDays = 31;

			case 4:
				$numDays = 30;

			case 5:
				$numDays = 31;

			case 6:
				$numDays = 30;

			case 7:
				$numDays = 31;

			case 8:
				$numDays = 31;

			case 9:
				$numDays = 30;

			case 10:
				$numDays = 31;

			case 11:
				$numDays = 30;

			case 12:
				$numDays = 31;
		return $numDays;	//return the number of days in this month

*	We need to know what day of the *
*	week the month starts on.	*
	function findStartDay()
		//if we are dealing with the current month...
		if($this->month == date('n'))
			//find the current day of the month
			$currDate = date('j',time());

			//find the current day of the week
			$currDay = date('D',time());
			$day = 0;

			//Since integers are easier to deal with, we need
			//to convert the current day of the week to an integer
			switch ($currDay)
				case "Sun":
					$day = 1;

				case 'Mon':
					$day = 2;

				case 'Tue':
					$day = 3;

				case 'Wed':
					$day = 4;

				case 'Thu':
					$day = 5;

				case 'Fri':
					$day = 6;

				case 'Sat':
					$day = 7;

			//loop through the entire month
			for($i = 0; $i < $this->numOfDays; $i++)
				//if we are at the start of the month, stop looping
				if($currDate == 1)

				//since we are trying to get to the beginning of the month,
				//decrement the day.
				$day --;

				//wrap around the day so we don't end up with a week day less
				//then 0.
				if($day == 0)
					$day = 7;

				//decrement the date as well
				$currDate --;
			return($day);	//return the starting day
			//if we are not dealing with the current month, then someone 
			//clicked on the 'next month' button. Use
			//the value submitted then for the first day of this month


*	This function will find the start	*
*	day of the month if the user 		*
*	clicked on 'previous month' button	*
	function findPrevStartDay()
		$day = $this->startDay;		//find the first day
		$this->month --;			//decrement the month
		$num1OfDays = $this->getNumOfDays();	//get the number of days
		$this->month ++;			//set the month back to what it was
		$currDate = $num1OfDays;	//find the end of the month
			//loop through the entire month		
			for($i = 0; $i < $num1OfDays+1; $i++)
				//if we are at the start of the month, we are done
				if($currDate == 1)

				//since we are trying to get to the beginning of the month,
				//decrement the day.
				$day --;

				//wrap around the day so we don't end up with a week day less
				//then 0
				if($day == 0)
					$day = 7;

				//decremnt the date as well
				$currDate --;
			return($day);	//return the starting day


*	This calendar uses mySQL to store	*
*	events. We need some way of getting 	*
*	those events out so we can display	*
*	them.					*
	function extractEvents()
		include("database.php");	//contains log-in info
		//select the table called calendar and query it
		$query="SELECT * FROM calendar";

		//get the number of entires in the table

		//close the connection to mySQL

		$this->numOfEvents = 1;

		//loop through every entry in the database
		while ($i < $num) 
			//is we are at an entry that belongs on this calendar month, then add 
			//it to the $events array.
			if(($this->month == mysql_result($result,$i,"month")) && (($this->year == mysql_result($result,$i,"year")) || (mysql_result($result,$i,"reoccur") == 1)))

				$this->numOfEvents ++;	//we have found an event that belongs to this month
								//so we need to count it


*	You will need to set up a table in a mySQL database for the calendar.	*
*	This table will need to be called 'calendar'. You will need the 	*
*	following fields in the table.						*
*										*
*	Field			Type		Length		Auto-increment	*
*										*
*	id			int		6			yes	*
*	date			int		2				*
*	month			int		2				*
*	year			int		4				*
*	reoccur			int		1				*
*	title			varchar		30				*
*	desc			varchar		255				*
*	usr			varchar		15				*
*										*
*	Also, you will need to adjust the following variables to match the 	*
*	information for your particualar database.				*
*										*


@mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database");




	include("database.php");	//contains log-in info

	//select the calendar table and query it
	$query="SELECT * FROM calendar";

	//get the number of entries in the table

	//close the connection to mySQL


	//loop through all entries
	while ($i < $num) 
		//if the id of the entry matches the id submitted,
		//then we need to hang on to all the info for that
		//particular entry.
		if(mysql_result($result,$i,"id") == $_GET['id'])
			$id = mysql_result($result,$i,"id");
			$date = mysql_result($result,$i,"date");
			$month = mysql_result($result,$i,"month");
			$year = mysql_result($result,$i,"year");
			$occur = mysql_result($result,$i,"reoccur");
			$title = mysql_result($result,$i,"title");
			$desc = mysql_result($result,$i,"desc");
			$usr = mysql_result($result,$i,"usr");


<title>Event for <?php echo $month; echo '/'; echo $date; echo '/'; echo $year; ?> </title>
	<p>The following event was added by <?php echo $usr; ?> </p>
	<p>Date added: <?php echo $month; echo '/'; echo $date; echo '/'; echo $year; ?> </p>
	<h3>Title: <?php echo $title; ?> </h3>


*	This loop will go through the description and 	*
*	find out if the the spicifier *age was entered	*
*	into the description. If it was, then *age will	*
*	be replaced with a numerical representation of	*
*	the difference between the current year and the	*
*	year entered for the event. So, you could put 	*
*	something like "Happy Birthday. You are *age 	*
*	years old!" in the description. But when you 	*
*	view the event, you might see something like 	*
*	"Happy Birthday. You are 27 years old!"		*

//Note that this only uses the year. I might get around
//to figuring this down to the day, but for now, it only
//works with the year
	for($a = 0; $a < strlen($desc); $a++)
		if($desc[$a] == '*')
			if(($desc[$a +1] == 'a' || $desc[$a +1] == 'A') && ($desc[$a +2] == 'g' || $desc[$a +2] == 'G') && ($desc[$a +3] == 'e' || $desc[$a +3] == 'E'))
				$age = date('Y') - $year;
				echo $age;
				$a += 4;
		echo $desc[$a];



       <title>Events Calendar</title>

include 'ccalendar.php';	//contains pretty much everything you need 
					//to display the calendar.

//if the month, year, and endday have been posted, then
//we need to use those values to create the calendar.
if($_POST['month'] && $_POST['year'] && $_POST['endDay'])
	//if the posted month is the same as the current month,
	//use the current month to create the calendar.
	if($_POST['month'] == date('n'))
		$tester = new ccalendar(date('n'), date('j'));
		$tester->drawCalendar();	//draw the calendar
	//otherwise, use the posted month to create the calendar
		$tester = new ccalendar($_POST['month']);
		$tester->drawCalendar();	//draw the calendar
//if the month, year, and endday have not been posted, then we need to 
//display the current month. So, create a calendar based on the current
//date and month.
	$tester = new ccalendar(date('n'), date('j'));




       <title>Add an event</title>

	<form action="insert.php" method="post">
	<table border="0">
	Month: </td><td><select name="month">
		<option value="1" <?php if($_GET['month'] == 1){ echo selected; } ?> >Jan</option>
		<option value="2" <?php if($_GET['month'] == 2){ echo selected; } ?> >Feb</option>
		<option value="3" <?php if($_GET['month'] == 3){ echo selected; } ?> >March</option>
		<option value="4" <?php if($_GET['month'] == 4){ echo selected; } ?> >April</option>
		<option value="5" <?php if($_GET['month'] == 5){ echo selected; } ?> >May</option>
		<option value="6" <?php if($_GET['month'] == 6){ echo selected; } ?> >June</option>
		<option value="7" <?php if($_GET['month'] == 7){ echo selected; } ?> >July</option>
		<option value="8" <?php if($_GET['month'] == 8){ echo selected; } ?> >Aug</option>
		<option value="9" <?php if($_GET['month'] == 9){ echo selected; } ?> >Sept</option>
		<option value="10" <?php if($_GET['month'] == 10){ echo selected; } ?> >Oct</option>
		<option value="11" <?php if($_GET['month'] == 11){ echo selected; } ?> >Nov</option>
		<option value="12" <?php if($_GET['month'] == 12){ echo selected; } ?> >Dec</option>
	Date: </td><td><select name="date">
		<option value="1" <?php if($_GET['date'] == 1){ echo selected; } ?> >01</option>
		<option value="2" <?php if($_GET['date'] == 2){ echo selected; } ?> >02</option>
		<option value="3" <?php if($_GET['date'] == 3){ echo selected; } ?> >03</option>
		<option value="4" <?php if($_GET['date'] == 4){ echo selected; } ?> >04</option>
		<option value="5" <?php if($_GET['date'] == 5){ echo selected; } ?> >05</option>
		<option value="6" <?php if($_GET['date'] == 6){ echo selected; } ?> >06</option>
		<option value="7" <?php if($_GET['date'] == 7){ echo selected; } ?> >07</option>
		<option value="8" <?php if($_GET['date'] == 8){ echo selected; } ?> >08</option>
		<option value="9" <?php if($_GET['date'] == 9){ echo selected; } ?> >09</option>
		<option value="10" <?php if($_GET['date'] == 10){ echo selected; } ?> >10</option>
		<option value="11" <?php if($_GET['date'] == 11){ echo selected; } ?> >11</option>
		<option value="12" <?php if($_GET['date'] == 12){ echo selected; } ?> >12</option>
		<option value="13" <?php if($_GET['date'] == 13){ echo selected; } ?> >13</option>
		<option value="14" <?php if($_GET['date'] == 14){ echo selected; } ?> >14</option>
		<option value="15" <?php if($_GET['date'] == 15){ echo selected; } ?> >15</option>
		<option value="16" <?php if($_GET['date'] == 16){ echo selected; } ?> >16</option>
		<option value="17" <?php if($_GET['date'] == 17){ echo selected; } ?> >17</option>
		<option value="18" <?php if($_GET['date'] == 18){ echo selected; } ?> >18</option>
		<option value="19" <?php if($_GET['date'] == 19){ echo selected; } ?> >19</option>
		<option value="20" <?php if($_GET['date'] == 20){ echo selected; } ?> >20</option>
		<option value="21" <?php if($_GET['date'] == 21){ echo selected; } ?> >21</option>
		<option value="22" <?php if($_GET['date'] == 22){ echo selected; } ?> >22</option>
		<option value="23" <?php if($_GET['date'] == 23){ echo selected; } ?> >23</option>
		<option value="24" <?php if($_GET['date'] == 24){ echo selected; } ?> >24</option>
		<option value="25" <?php if($_GET['date'] == 25){ echo selected; } ?> >25</option>
		<option value="26" <?php if($_GET['date'] == 26){ echo selected; } ?> >26</option>
		<option value="27" <?php if($_GET['date'] == 27){ echo selected; } ?> >27</option>
		<option value="28" <?php if($_GET['date'] == 28){ echo selected; } ?> >28</option>
		<option value="29" <?php if($_GET['date'] == 29){ echo selected; } ?> >29</option>
		<option value="30" <?php if($_GET['date'] == 30){ echo selected; } ?> >30</option>
		<option value="31" <?php if($_GET['date'] == 31){ echo selected; } ?> >31</option>
	Year: </td><td><input type="text" name="year" size="6" maxlength="4" value="<?php echo $_GET['year']; ?>">
	Re-Occuring?: </td><td><select name="occur">
			<option value="1">Yes</option>
			<option value="0" selected>No</option>
	Title:</td><td> <input type="text" name="title" size="32" maxlength="30" value="<?php echo $_GET['title']; ?>">
	Description: </td><td> <textarea name="desc" cols="35" rows="4" maxlength="20" wrap="virtual"><?php echo $_GET['desc']; ?></textarea>
	Your Name: </td><td><input type="text" name="usr" size="18" maxlength="15" value="<?php echo $_GET['usr']; ?>">
	<input type="Submit" value="Submit">


	//if the user did not enter a year, warn them
		?> <p>You did not enter a year </p> <?php
		$invalid = 1;

	//if the user did not enter a title, warn them
		?> <p>You did not enter a title </p> <?php
		$invalid = 1;

	//if the user did not enter a description, warn them
		?> <p>You did not enter a descrpition </p> <?php
		$invalid = 1;

	//if the user did not enter a name, warn them
		?> <p>You did not enter your name </p> <?php
		$invalid = 1;

	//if any of the above warnings apply, refer the user back 
	//to the entry form
		?> <p>Please click <a href="insert.php?date=<?php echo $_POST['date']; echo '&month='; echo $_POST['month']; echo '&year='; echo $_POST['year']; echo '&title='; echo $_POST['title']; echo '&desc='; echo $_POST['desc']; echo '&usr='; echo $_POST['usr']; ?>">here</a> to enter the required fields.</p> <?php

		//if they did not recieve any warnings, enter the info into the database


		$query = "INSERT INTO calendar VALUES ('','$date','$month','$year','$occur','$title','$desc','$usr')";


		?><p>Your new event has been added. Please click <a href="index.php">here</a> to return to the calendar.</p><?php

[Edited by - mrtie_dye on May 11, 2005 3:54:58 AM]
Marriage is the #1 cause of divorce
I am trying to create an update script, so that the user can update an entry if they like. But for some reason, it does not work. You can check the page out here. Below is the source. Anyone have any ideas why this isn't working?

<html><?php	include("database.php");	//contains log-in info	$id=$_GET['id'];	$query=" SELECT * FROM testcal WHERE id='$id'";	$result=mysql_query($query);	$num=mysql_numrows($result);	mysql_close();	$i=0;	while ($i < $num) 	{		$id=mysql_result($result,$i,"id");		$date=mysql_result($result,$i,"date");		$month=mysql_result($result,$i,"month");		$year=mysql_result($result,$i,"year");		$occur=mysql_result($result,$i,"reoccur");		$title=mysql_result($result,$i,"title");		$desc=mysql_result($result,$i,"desc");		$usr=mysql_result($result,$i,"usr");		++$i;	}?><form action="update.php" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="id" value="<? echo $id; ?>"><table border="0">	<tr>	<td>	Month: </td><td><select name="month">		<option value="1" <?php if($month == 1){ echo selected; } ?> >Jan</option>		<option value="2" <?php if($month == 2){ echo selected; } ?> >Feb</option>		<option value="3" <?php if($month == 3){ echo selected; } ?> >March</option>		<option value="4" <?php if($month == 4){ echo selected; } ?> >April</option>		<option value="5" <?php if($month == 5){ echo selected; } ?> >May</option>		<option value="6" <?php if($month == 6){ echo selected; } ?> >June</option>		<option value="7" <?php if($month == 7){ echo selected; } ?> >July</option>		<option value="8" <?php if($month == 8){ echo selected; } ?> >Aug</option>		<option value="9" <?php if($month == 9){ echo selected; } ?> >Sept</option>		<option value="10" <?php if($month == 10){ echo selected; } ?> >Oct</option>		<option value="11" <?php if($month == 11){ echo selected; } ?> >Nov</option>		<option value="12" <?php if($month == 12){ echo selected; } ?> >Dec</option>     	 </select>	</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>	Date: </td><td><select name="date">		<option value="1" <?php if($date == 1){ echo selected; } ?> >01</option>		<option value="2" <?php if($date == 2){ echo selected; } ?> >02</option>		<option value="3" <?php if($date == 3){ echo selected; } ?> >03</option>		<option value="4" <?php if($date == 4){ echo selected; } ?> >04</option>		<option value="5" <?php if($date == 5){ echo selected; } ?> >05</option>		<option value="6" <?php if($date == 6){ echo selected; } ?> >06</option>		<option value="7" <?php if($date == 7){ echo selected; } ?> >07</option>		<option value="8" <?php if($date == 8){ echo selected; } ?> >08</option>		<option value="9" <?php if($date == 9){ echo selected; } ?> >09</option>		<option value="10" <?php if($date == 10){ echo selected; } ?> >10</option>		<option value="11" <?php if($date == 11){ echo selected; } ?> >11</option>		<option value="12" <?php if($date == 12){ echo selected; } ?> >12</option>		<option value="13" <?php if($date == 13){ echo selected; } ?> >13</option>		<option value="14" <?php if($date == 14){ echo selected; } ?> >14</option>		<option value="15" <?php if($date == 15){ echo selected; } ?> >15</option>		<option value="16" <?php if($date == 16){ echo selected; } ?> >16</option>		<option value="17" <?php if($date == 17){ echo selected; } ?> >17</option>		<option value="18" <?php if($date == 18){ echo selected; } ?> >18</option>		<option value="19" <?php if($date == 19){ echo selected; } ?> >19</option>		<option value="20" <?php if($date == 20){ echo selected; } ?> >20</option>		<option value="21" <?php if($date == 21){ echo selected; } ?> >21</option>		<option value="22" <?php if($date == 22){ echo selected; } ?> >22</option>		<option value="23" <?php if($date == 23){ echo selected; } ?> >23</option>		<option value="24" <?php if($date == 24){ echo selected; } ?> >24</option>		<option value="25" <?php if($date == 25){ echo selected; } ?> >25</option>		<option value="26" <?php if($date == 26){ echo selected; } ?> >26</option>		<option value="27" <?php if($date == 27){ echo selected; } ?> >27</option>		<option value="28" <?php if($date == 28){ echo selected; } ?> >28</option>		<option value="29" <?php if($date == 29){ echo selected; } ?> >29</option>		<option value="30" <?php if($date == 30){ echo selected; } ?> >30</option>		<option value="31" <?php if($date == 31){ echo selected; } ?> >31</option>    	</select>	</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>	Year: </td><td><input type="text" name="year" size="6" maxlength="4" value="<?php echo $year; ?>">	</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>	Re-Occuring?: </td><td><select name="occur">			<option value="1">Yes</option>			<option value="0" selected>No</option>	      	</select>	</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>	Title:</td><td> <input type="text" name="title" size="32" maxlength="30" value="<?php echo $title; ?>">	</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>	Description: </td><td> <textarea name="desc" cols="35" rows="4" maxlength="20" wrap="virtual"><?php echo $desc; ?></textarea>	</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>	Your Name: </td><td><input type="text" name="usr" size="18" maxlength="15" value="<?php echo $usr; ?>">	</td>	</tr>	</table>	<input type="Submit" value="Submit" name="update">	</form><?phpif(isset($_POST['update'])){	$ud_id=$_POST['id'];	$ud_date=$_POST['date'];	$ud_month=$_POST['month'];	$ud_year=$_POST['year'];	$ud_occur=$_POST['occur'];	$ud_title=$_POST['title'];	$ud_desc=$_POST['desc'];	$ud_usr=$_POST['usr'];	echo $ud_id;	echo $ud_date;	echo $ud_month;	echo $ud_year;	echo $ud_occur;	echo $ud_title;	echo $ud_desc;	echo $ud_usr;	include("database.php");	//contains log-in info	$query="UPDATE testcal SET date='$ud_date', month='$ud_month', year='$ud_year', reoccur='$ud_occur', title='$ud_title', desc='$ud_desc', usr='$ud_usr' WHERE id='$ud_id'";mysql_query($query);echo "Record Updated";mysql_close();}?></html>
Marriage is the #1 cause of divorce
Maybe because the id of the table is an integer, and you are using quotes around its value:
[..] WHERE id='$ud_id'"; // '1' != 1
Maybe because the id of the table is an integer, and you are using quotes around its value:

[..] WHERE id='$ud_id'"; // '1' != 1

I took the quotes out. Still nothing. So I took all the quotes out on that entire line. Still nothing.

Any other ideas? Thanks for all your help.
Marriage is the #1 cause of divorce
You don't need to take all the quotes out, just use them when the value is a string or a date.
My guess is that there's an error in the sql query. Maybe wrong column names, stuff like that?
I just triple checked the column names, and everything seems to match up. I purposefully changed one so that it was wrong to see if mySQL would complain, and it didn't. That sort of bites. Would be nice if it would complain. At least then, I would know where the problem is.

The only thing I see that might be wrong is the order. id is the first column in the table, but it appears last in the query. But I suspect that doesn't really matter.

Anyway, thanks wanmaster for all your help. If you have any other suggestions, I will be more than happy to entertain them.
Marriage is the #1 cause of divorce
To check your queries, you could use the Query browser for example.
That one will complain :)

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