Help loading a map text file

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22 comments, last by kingpinzs 18 years, 11 months ago
I am trying to figure out the best way to load my map info from a text file. I tryed just looking for a string in the text and startloading the data after that tell it hit anothere string to stop the load. That did not work all I could get to work was one char. I could make it in seprate files but that would bad file managment. Does any one have ideas how I can store all level data in one text file and load it in my game? Thanks
Why not just using a binary format?
Becasue I dont know how. And becasue right Now I dont have a map editor so I have to put everything in manuely. So I dont know if I can do that with a bin file
Do you know how to write a piece of memory in a file?
I know how to wright a verible to a text file.
How do you write it?
well right now I am just trying to read the text from the file then load it into and array.

std::ifstream MapFile(".\\level1.txt");

for (int layer = 0; layer < 3; layer++)
for(int row = 0; row < Mapy; row++)
for(int column = 0; column < Mapx; column++)
MapFile >>map[layer][row][column];


But I am guessing that I would just do it backwards to put it into the text.

But the problem is that it loads all the text into the raid and I just want to read to a point.
That's rather slow.
Try something like:
void save_structures_list(){	FILE *f = NULL;  	f=fopen("whatever_map_file","wb");  	if(!f)return;//blah, whatever	fwrite(&map,1,map_size,f);	fclose(f);}
Could you explain what each line does?

this is what I think it does

//loads a text file not sure what "wb"is for

if(!f)return;//blah, whatever
//retrun error if could not open

//this rites to the file but not sure exactley what is going on
//clode the file

Thanks for the help
wb means "write binnary"
So we open the file with the intention to write binary data.

writes from the address map (assuming map is an array) 1 is the size of a tile (assuming it's 1 byte/tile) and map_size is how many tiles you have in the map.

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