graphics hate me [still NOT fixed!]

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7 comments, last by TraderJack 18 years, 11 months ago
Why is it that graphics hate me? I have this sidescroller testing device. It tests an object-based level design by creating rectangular objects for terrain. My program, however, compiles perfectly, and instead of being happy, flashes across the screen before instantly disappearing. I think it's an issue in the graphics, cause the game loop looks fine to me... I've included main.cpp. If you need anything else, ask away!

#include "allegro.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "object.h"

BITMAP *image;
BITMAP *buffer;
BITMAP *longbar;
player player1;
object sample[5];


volatile long speed_counter = 0;
void increment_speed_counter()
     speed_counter ++;


void loadgfx()
     buffer = create_bitmap(800, 600);
     image = load_bitmap("C:/Program Code/Bitmaps/Bucky/Bucky1.bmp", NULL);
     longbar = load_bitmap("C:/Program Code/Bitmaps/MyBitmaps/Longbar.bmp", NULL);


void draw()


int main (int argc, char *argv[])
    install_int_ex(increment_speed_counter, BPS_TO_TIMER(30));
    set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT, 800, 600, 0, 0);
/*********Load graphics**********/

/*********Game Loop***********/
    sample[0].init( 0, 500, longbar);
        blit(buffer, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, buffer->w, buffer->h);
    return 0;

Thanks in advance! -IV [Edited by - TraderJack on May 17, 2005 9:58:26 PM]

-IVHumble Student

If screen is there for 1 frame and then dissapears then the problem is probably in your main loop or in your event handler,bcs initializations is good if u can see it even or a 1 frame. I've got some strange issues about sprite going into upper left corner when i press any key on keyboard and i solved it by puting break after every case command in event handler.

Maybe i have gone off question bcs i didnt understand perfectly your question.

I'm not exactly sure how Allegro works but I think it could be a problem with your main game loop having no delay. I can see the timer being initialised but I can't see anything in your main loop using the timer. You could try throwing a Sleep(<num of milliseconds>); in the main loop just to test if it is that.

Hope that helped.


What exactly do those two functions do? If they do what they're names might imply, then they are quite likely the culprits.
Quote:Original post by nilkn

What exactly do those two functions do? If they do what they're names might imply, then they are quite likely the culprits.

Oh, that's just allegro's way of double-buffering. Here, take a look at a program that works just fine (this was the prototype to this program):

#include <allegro.h>#include "player.h"BITMAP *image;BITMAP *buffer;player player1;/***********8*******Timer*************8*******/volatile long speed_counter = 0;void increment_speed_counter(){     speed_counter ++;}END_OF_FUNCTION(increment_speed_counter);/******************LoadGFX********************/void loadgfx(){     buffer = create_bitmap(800, 600);     image = load_bitmap("C:/Program Code/Bitmaps/Bucky/Bucky1.bmp", NULL);}/***********Draw**************/void draw(){     player1.draw();     line( buffer, 0, 500, 800, 500, makecol(255,0,255) );}/**********Main****************/int main (int argc, char *argv[]){    /**********Initialization*********/        allegro_init();    install_keyboard();    install_timer();        LOCK_VARIABLE(speed_counter);    LOCK_FUNCTION(increment_speed_counter);     install_int_ex(increment_speed_counter, BPS_TO_TIMER(30));        set_color_depth(16);    set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT_WINDOWED, 800, 600, 0, 0);    /*********Load graphics**********/        loadgfx();/*********Game Loop***********/        player1.init();        while(!key[KEY_ESC])    {        player1.move();                acquire_screen();        draw();        blit(buffer, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, buffer->w, buffer->h);        clear(buffer);        release_screen();    }           destroy_bitmap(buffer);    destroy_bitmap(image);        return 0;}END_OF_MAIN()

Ugh, I bet this all comes down to forgetting a variable or some simple line of code...


-IVHumble Student

what is in object::draw() ?
Here's object.h followed by .cpp

// .h#ifndef __OBJECT_H__#define __OBJECT_H__#include "allegro.h"#include "player.h"class player;extern BITMAP* image;extern BITMAP* buffer;class object{public:               float x;        float y;        bool isactive;                float top;        float bottom;        float left;        float right;                object();        ~object();               BITMAP* graphic;                void init(int, int, BITMAP*);        void move();        void setsides();        void draw();        };#endif// .cpp#include "object.h"#include "player.h"object::object(){}object::~object(){}void object::setsides(){     top = y;     bottom = (y + graphic->h);     left = x;     right = (x + graphic->w);}void object::init(int _x, int _y, BITMAP* grafik){     x = _x;     y = _y;     setsides();     isactive = true;     graphic = grafik;}void object::draw(){     draw_sprite(buffer, graphic, x, y);}

-IVHumble Student

Heh, in Object::init you are calling Object::setsides before you are assigning the object its graphic. Your init function should be changed to:

void object::init(int _x, int _y, BITMAP* grafik){     x = _x;     y = _y;         //moved!     graphic = grafik;     setsides();     isactive = true;}

I hope that solves your problem.
Holy christ, that DOES work! Wtf!? That's suprising!

Alright, now, my probelm is he jumps and falls right through the bar, but I can fix that on my own... I think....

Thanks everyone!


-IVHumble Student

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