JEDI SDL memory problem?

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2 comments, last by Smotsholle 18 years, 10 months ago
I'm working with delphi and so I'm using JEDI SDL. The documentation doesn't support the sprite-engine yet so I'll ask here. I'm trying to create a remake of a game called nemesis. It's a shooter so this means lots of bullets flying around. This causes the game to suddenly quit. Delphi gives some memory problem I guess (it shows some machine language) The Move command of the bullet looks like this: Procedure TBullet.Move; begin if x < 330 then inc(x, 8) else begin Kill; dec (BulletCount[parent]); end; end; Bulletcount is an array of 5 integers, it prevents the game from having more than 10 bullet sprites. My question to you: Does the Kill command remove the sprite from the sprite-engine or is there another sollution?
Are you sure parent is a valid index? Maybe that causes the error.
Isn't there a method 'Remove' in the sprite class? It's been some time since I used it.
Parent is an integer value which points to the ship it belongs to, it can be anywhere in between 0 and 4...
A single ship can only have 2 of it's bullets on the screen. That is the bulletcount.

I just did some more testing... And I found yet another problem...
The ship can move in 8 directions (using the cursor keys)
The ship can shoot (using the spacebar)

When I press too many keys simultaneously for too long the game quits...
Should I limit the ship to 4 directions (only a single cursor key works) or is there a better sollution?
Is it allowed to place a link to the code here?
I won't mind sharing my delphi source, and maybe you can determine what's wrong in there.

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