Shooting in Asteroids

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9 comments, last by Toji 18 years, 10 months ago
So i'm making an asteroids type of game. I can fly around with my ship and have a velocity in one direction, and can rotate the ship to another direction, without affecting its velocity. Me problem is that I have a problem calculating the components of the velocity vector for my bullets. Here's a scenario: I accelerate in upwards, then I rotate my ship 90 degrees to teh right and then I shoot. The shot right now seems to go to the right and down. That is because of the ship's velocity, getting it further and further away from the bullet. I calculate the components of the velocity vector of the bullet like this: vel_x=20*Math.cos(angle); vel_y=20*Math.sin(angle); where angle is the angle of the ship and 20 is a constant. I guess I have to take in account the velocity of the ship and include that in teh calculations, but i have no clue how. Anyway have any ideas?? Thanx a lot

Making Terralysia, wishlist now on Steam <3!

Try this

I tried that and it didn't work..instead it looked like it was going the other the right and upwards...

then I tried this:


and this was actually very close but when I turned only 45 degrees and then tried to shoot, it looked ok and was giving the illution that it was going straight, but it looked like the bullet was created just a few pixels to the left of the ship. actually sometimes it was to the right, depending on which way i rotated before i shot.

Making Terralysia, wishlist now on Steam <3!

Are you sure your cos/sin functions take the same kind of angle you're giving them? It sounds like you're using degrees, but sin and cos generally work on radians.
To convert from degrees to radians, multiply by π(pi) and divide by 180.
"Walk not the trodden path, for it has borne it's burden." -John, Flying Monk
Actually I use radians..that doesn't seem to be the problem :S

Making Terralysia, wishlist now on Steam <3!

Have you tried swapping your sin/cos around?


It's how I do it in my game (I also negate the sin return value, but that just depends on your coordinate system).
actually yeah, i do swap them...and i negate the cosinus value instead..but that like you said depends on the coordinate system. =)

Making Terralysia, wishlist now on Steam <3!

I'd recomend coding in a text output function, that draws text and variables on to the screen (if you don't have one already)

Then output real time on the screen your sin and cos for the bullet.

The reason for this is it will let you see what your game is calculating for the bullet vector.

Another idea, is the bullet vector should = ship vector in your game. So instead of calculating just use that.

Another trick is to reverse either the sin or the cos, so multiply one of them by *-1 (sounds like this one might solve your problem)
Black Sky A Star Control 2/Elite like game
Try just drawing a line in the direction you want your bullet to shoot. Debugging helps a lot when figuring out such things.

Also, having a vector class helps a lot. This is what I'm using:

#if !defined(_VECTOR2D_H_INCLUDED_)#define _VECTOR2D_H_INCLUDED_namespace System{namespace Math{	//class Vector2D;/// 2d vector classclass Vector2D {protected:	double m_x, m_y, m_length, m_direction; // USES RADIANSpublic:	Vector2D(const Vector2D& other) :			m_x(other.m_x),			m_y(other.m_y),			m_length(other.m_length),			m_direction(other.m_direction){ /* nothing */ }				Vector2D(double x = 0, double y = 0){ SetPoints(x,y); }	double x(double x);	double y(double y);	double Direction(double d);		double Length(double m);	void SetPoints(double x, double y);	void Reset();	void ReflectAngle(int NormalAngle);	double x(){ return m_x; }	double y(){ return m_y; }	double Direction(){ return m_direction; }	double Length(){ return m_length; }	// Vector arithmetic operators	Vector2D& operator+= (Vector2D& v);	Vector2D& operator-= (Vector2D& v);	Vector2D& operator*= (Vector2D& v);		Vector2D& operator/= (Vector2D& v);		// scalar operators for speed and resolving ambiguity problems	// with implicit constructor calls	Vector2D& operator+= (double f);	Vector2D& operator-= (double f);	Vector2D& operator*= (double f);	Vector2D& operator/= (double f);};} }#endif

#include "vector2d.h"#include <cmath>#include "math.h" namespace System{namespace Math{	void Vector2D::Reset(){		m_x = 0;		y(0);	}		double Vector2D::x(double x)	{		m_x = x;		m_direction = atan2(m_y, m_x);		m_length = sqrt((m_x * m_x) + (m_y * m_y));	}	double Vector2D::y(double y)	{		m_y = y;		m_direction = atan2(m_y, m_x);		m_length = sqrt((m_x * m_x) + (m_y * m_y));	}	double Vector2D::Direction(double a){		m_direction = a;		m_x = cos(m_direction) * m_length;		m_y = sin(m_direction) * m_length;	}	double Vector2D::Length(double m){		m_length = m;		m_x = cos(m_direction) * m_length;		m_y = sin(m_direction) * m_length;	}	void Vector2D::SetPoints(double x, double y){		m_x = x;		m_y = y;		m_length = sqrt((m_x * m_x) + (m_y * m_y));		m_direction = atan2(m_y,m_x);	}		 	void Vector2D::ReflectAngle(int NormalAngle)	{	   int NormDiffAngle; //difference between the inverted angle & the BoundaryNormal angle	   int angle = (int)RAD2DEG(m_direction);	// new angle	   int OppAngle = (angle + 180) % 360; // Inverted angle	   if( NormalAngle >= OppAngle ){	      NormDiffAngle = NormalAngle - OppAngle;	      angle = (NormalAngle + NormDiffAngle) % 360;	   } else {	      NormDiffAngle = OppAngle - NormalAngle;	      angle = NormalAngle - NormDiffAngle;	      if( angle < 0 ) angle += 360;	   }		   this->Direction(DEG2RAD(angle));	}	// scalar operators for speed and resolving ambiguity problems	// with implicit constructor calls		/// Componentwise addition 	Vector2D& Vector2D::operator+= (double f) {		SetPoints(m_x + f, m_y + f);		return *this;	}		/// Componentwise subtraction	Vector2D& Vector2D::operator-= (double f) {		SetPoints(m_x - f, m_y - f);		return *this;	}		/// Componentwise multiplication	Vector2D& Vector2D::operator*= (double f) {		SetPoints(m_x * f, m_y * f);		return *this;	}		/// Componentwise division	Vector2D& Vector2D::operator/= (double f) {		SetPoints(m_x / f, m_y / f);		return *this;	}	// Vector arithmetic operators		Vector2D& Vector2D::operator+= (Vector2D& v) {		SetPoints(m_x + v.x(), m_y + v.y());		return *this;	}		Vector2D& Vector2D::operator-= (Vector2D& v) {		SetPoints(m_x - v.x(), m_y - v.y());		return *this;	}		Vector2D& Vector2D::operator*= (Vector2D& v) {		SetPoints(m_x * v.x(), m_y * v.y());		return *this;	}		Vector2D& Vector2D::operator/= (Vector2D& v) {		SetPoints(m_x / v.x(), m_y / v.y());		return *this;	}}}

Rob Loach [Website] [Projects] [Contact]
Are you sure you have a problem? You state that you shoot to the right, and your ship is moving up, which would make the bullet move down and right relative to the ship. This seems right. To verify, as soon as you fire the shot, zero out the ship's velocity and see if the bullet is flying right.

As other's have said, you need the ability to output text on the screen. You could then dump the bullet's velocity and hopefully see that it is (x,0)

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