Weird Error

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2 comments, last by Manny_D 18 years, 11 months ago
I've been trying to shake some rust doing some basic programming in C++ and trying to get my skills to handle possible errors more efficiently. Anyway, I ran into some weird logic error which I isolated and I think I solved how the program can avoid it, but wanted to know if someone more knowledgeable could find a better solution or a solution that is "smoother" than the brute force method I came up with. [wink] This first code is part of the program I used for isolating the problem, basically, the problem is when I enter a letter for input the program will enter into an infinite loop.

using std::cout;
using std::cin;

bool isDigit(int);

void main()
	int inputValue;
	bool inputValid;

		cout<<"Enter a number between 0 - 9: ";

		if( isDigit(inputValue) )
	} while(isDigit);

	cout<<"The number you entered is: "<<inputValue<<"\n\n";

bool isDigit(int value)
	if(value>=0 && value<=9)
		return true;
		return false;

And I had to modify this program pretty heavily to get a work around this problem:

using std::cout;
using std::cin;

bool isDigit(int);

void main()
	//int inputValue;
	char inputValue[2];
	//bool inputValid;
	bool incorrect;
	int firstDigit;
	int secondDigit;
	int finalValue;

		incorrect = true;
		inputValue[0] = 'z';
		inputValue[1] = 'z';

		cout<<"Enter a number between 0 - 99: ";

		firstDigit = inputValue[0] - 48;
		secondDigit = inputValue[1] - 48;
		//cout<<inputValue[0]<<" - "<<inputValue[1]<<" - "<<finalValue;

		if( isDigit(firstDigit) && isDigit(secondDigit) )
			finalValue = firstDigit * 10 + secondDigit;
		else if( isDigit(firstDigit) )
			finalValue = firstDigit;
			finalValue = -1;
		//cout<<firstDigit<<" - "<<secondDigit<<" - "<<finalValue;

		if(finalValue < 0 || finalValue >99)
			incorrect = true;
			cout<<"\n\nThat value is out of range. Try again. ";
			incorrect = false;

	} while(incorrect);

	cout<<"The number you entered is: "<<finalValue<<"\n\n";

bool isDigit(int value)
	if(value>=0 && value<=9)
		return true;
		return false;

Any help is appreciated.
The way this is handled is using cin.ignore if I remember correctly...
After a quick search on google:
clicky 1
clicky 2
Genius. Thanks.
Google is a beautiful thing.
If std::cin is presented with input it cannot process, std::cin goes into a "fail" state

The input it cannot process is left on the input stream.

All input will be ignored by std::cin until the "fail" state is cleared: std::cin.clear()

A routine that reads a number directly should:

1. Read in the number
2. Check to see that the input stream is still valid
3. If the input stream is not good (!std::cin)
1. Call std::cin.clear() to take the stream out of the "fail" state.
2. Remove from the stream the input that caused the problem: std::cin.ignore(...)
3. Get the input again if appropriate or otherwise handle the error

Quote from here:

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