walking inside a building

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3 comments, last by ade-the-heat 18 years, 10 months ago
Before I try and re-invent the wheel... I have a city - its sunset and so there;s a reddish glow about the atmosphere and buildings. Now I want to walk into a buildsing - so I walk through the door and ... Do I create a new light in the room and so can calculate the material properties from being inside the room - or is the global light from the sun going to interact with this ? thanks
Quote:or is the global light from the sun going to interact with this ?

That depends entirely on how your engine is set up to deal with light. We need more info to help you here. Are you using an existing engine, or building one of your own? Are you trying to get an HDR effect like in HL2 or do you simply want sunlight to be able to come in the windows/doors? Are you talking about per-pixel lighting or lightmapping?

The more details we have, the more we can help.
// The user formerly known as Tojiro67445, formerly known as Toji [smile]
not per pixel - and not using shaders - just a room and differently lit to the outside world.

Just seperate your scene
Interior, exterior

enable sunlight
draw Exterior
disable sunlight
enable room light
draw Interior


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