texture in OpenGL ES

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7 comments, last by Giacomo83 18 years, 10 months ago
Hi!I've a problem with texture! I try to add a texture in my project but i have this error: error C2664: 'NewL' : cannot convert parameter 3 from 'class CSimpleCubeAppUi' to 'class MImageHandlerCallback &' SimpleCube is the name of my project! here is the code: void CSimpleCubeAppUi::LoadTexturesL() { _LIT(KTex1Name, "prova.jpg" ); iTex1FullName.Append( TEXTUREPATH ); iTex1FullName.Append( KTex1Name ); // Create bitmaps for textures iTex1 = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap(); iTex1->Create( TSize(256,256), EColor16M ); // Create a image converter library utility for loading the NASA texture iFs.Connect(); iBmapUtil = CImageHandler::NewL( iTex1, iFs, *this ); // Set the status and start loading iTexID = TEX; iBmapUtil->LoadFileL( iTex1FullName, 0 ); } Thanks
it seems the last parameter to NewL must be some callback-handler. you're just giving it a reference to your class CSimpleCubeAppUi. perhaps CSimpleCubeAppUi should inherit from MImageHandlerCallback?
Thanks for your interest...I don't know exactly how it works, because I try to modify the example found in forum.nokia.com. The example works correctly, I've just paste the code for load the texture in my project!
I'm interesting on OpenGL ES because I'm an italian student of computer engineering and I'm doing my thesis on OpenGL ES...thanks for your help
Help me!
I don't know what to do to resolve this error!
Like Kusma said: check if you need to inherit any interface classes (like MImageHandlerCallback). If you already have an example it should be easy to look up...
Yes I've the example of nokia forum; I've add to my code everything like in example but it don't run for the error in function LoadTextureL of AppUi class!now my code is equal to the example, I've also add the library in project's setting!
maybe your problem isn't in that function...
I have a LoadTexturesL function that looks like this:
void CGame01AppUi::LoadTexturesL(){    _LIT(KTex1Name, "grass.bmp" );    iTex1FullName.Append( TEXTUREPATH );    iTex1FullName.Append( KTex1Name );     iTex1 = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap();    iTex1->Create( TSize(256,256), EColor16M );    iFs.Connect();    iBmapUtil = CImageHandler::NewL( iTex1, iFs, *this );    iTexID     = TEX_GRASS;    iBmapUtil->LoadFileL( iTex1FullName, 0 );}

which looks exactly the same as yours, so is there anything else from the nokia example that you changed?

I haven't come across any error like that when I was trying to figure out textures, my problem ended up being that I needed to change:



VERY frustrating!
Thanks Miranda!!!
I don't understand why this error...for load the texture I've include the file utils.h e utils.ccp like in the example of the nokia; in my project I've a quad not a cube, this is the only difference!can I send you my project?
Thanks you very much Miranda, you're the only person I found who can help me!
I found a mistake in my AppUi.h, I've corrected it but now I have some undeclared identifier like LoadFile, DataAddres...can you help me?!?

This i the code of my AppUi.cpp

#include "SimpleCubeAppUi.h"#include "SimpleCubeContainer.h" #include <SimpleCube.rsg>#include "SimpleCube.hrh"#include <eikmenup.h>#include <avkon.hrh>#define TEX  1#if defined( __WINS__ )    // Path for emulator build.     // We assume that textures are located under z:\pictures.    _LIT(KTexPath, "d:\\pictures\\");    #define TEXTUREPATH KTexPath#else    // Path for HW builds.    // We assume that textures are located in the application's root directory    #define TEXTUREPATH Utils::GetAppRootDirectoryL()#endif// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================//// ----------------------------------------------------------// CSimpleCubeAppUi::ConstructL()// // ----------------------------------------------------------//void CSimpleCubeAppUi::ConstructL()    {    BaseConstructL();    iAppContainer = new (ELeave) CSimpleCubeContainer;    iAppContainer->SetMopParent( this );	iAppContainer->SetAppUiPointer(this);    iAppContainer->ConstructL( ClientRect() );    AddToStackL( iAppContainer );	iTexLoaded = 0;    }// ----------------------------------------------------// CSimpleCubeAppUi::~CSimpleCubeAppUi()// Destructor// Frees reserved resources// ----------------------------------------------------//CSimpleCubeAppUi::~CSimpleCubeAppUi()    {		if(iBmapUtil)		{			delete iBmapUtil;		}		iFs.Close();		if (iAppContainer)        {			RemoveFromStack( iAppContainer );			delete iAppContainer;        }   }// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------// CSimpleCubeAppUi::DynInitMenuPaneL(TInt aResourceId,CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane)//  This function is called by the EIKON framework just before it displays//  a menu pane. Its default implementation is empty, and by overriding it,//  the application can set the state of menu items dynamically according//  to the state of application data.// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------//void CSimpleCubeAppUi::DynInitMenuPaneL(    TInt /*aResourceId*/,CEikMenuPane* /*aMenuPane*/)    {    }// ----------------------------------------------------// CSimpleCubeAppUi::HandleKeyEventL(//     const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,TEventCode /*aType*/)// takes care of key event handling// ----------------------------------------------------//TKeyResponse CSimpleCubeAppUi::HandleKeyEventL(    const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,TEventCode aType){	//if ( aType == EEventKeyDown )      //  {			TUint scan = aKeyEvent.iScanCode;			switch ( scan )			{			 case(EStdKeyUpArrow):				 iAppContainer->diry++;                 return EKeyWasConsumed;                 break;			 case(EStdKeyDownArrow): 				 iAppContainer->diry--;                 return EKeyWasConsumed;                 break;			case(EStdKeyLeftArrow):				 iAppContainer->dirx--;                 return EKeyWasConsumed;                 break;			case(EStdKeyRightArrow):				 iAppContainer->dirx++;                 return EKeyWasConsumed;                 break;            }	//}   }// ----------------------------------------------------// CSimpleCubeAppUi::HandleCommandL(TInt aCommand)// takes care of command handling// ----------------------------------------------------//void CSimpleCubeAppUi::HandleCommandL(TInt aCommand){    switch ( aCommand )        {        case EAknSoftkeyBack:        case EEikCmdExit:            {            Exit();            break;            }		case ESimpleCubeFlat:			 iAppContainer->iSimpleCube->ChangeShade();			 break;		case ESimpleCubeSmooth:			 iAppContainer->iSimpleCube->ChangeShadeSmooth();			 break;        default:            break;              }}void CSimpleCubeAppUi::LoadTexturesL(){    // Construct the full path names for the textures    _LIT(KTex1Name, "prova.jpg" );    iTex1FullName.Append( TEXTUREPATH );    iTex1FullName.Append( KTex1Name );    // Create bitmaps for textures    iTex1 = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap();    iTex1->Create( TSize(256,256), EColor16M );    // Create a image converter library utility for loading the texture    iFs.Connect();    iBmapUtil = CImageHandler::NewL( iTex1, iFs, *this );    // Set the status and start loading    iTexID     = TEX;    iBmapUtil->LoadFileL( iTex1FullName, 0 );}void CSimpleCubeAppUi::ImageOperationCompleteL( TInt aError ){    _LIT(KTexError, "Tex load failed");    User::LeaveIfError( aError );        //texture loaded    if( iTexID == TEX )    {	/* The data in the iTex1/2 are in RGB order but is read in BGR order. 	   So we have to switch the 1st or 3rd bytes. */	TUint8 *tex1 = (TUint8*)iTex1->DataAddress();	TUint8 t;        	for( TInt i = 0; i < 256*256; i++ )	{	    t = tex1[i*3];	    tex1[i*3] = tex1[i*3+2];	    tex1[i*3+2] = t;	}        // Initialize OpenGL ES now that the textures are loaded        iAppContainer->iSimpleCube->AppInit(tex1);        // The original bitmaps can now be deleted because the textures        // are stored inside OpenGL ES now        delete iTex1;        iTex1 = NULL;        // Set the texture loaded flag        iTexLoaded = 1;        // Start the container's iPeriodic        iAppContainer->iPeriodic->Start( 100, 100, TCallBack( CSimpleCubeContainer::DrawCallBack, iAppContainer ) );    }    // Invalid texture ID defined    else    {        User::Panic( KTexError, 111 );    }}// End of File  

And this of my AppUi.h:

#ifndef SIMPLECUBEAPPUI_H#define SIMPLECUBEAPPUI_H// INCLUDES#include <eikapp.h>#include <eikdoc.h>#include <e32std.h>#include <coeccntx.h>#include <aknappui.h>#include <f32file.h>  #include "SimpleCubeDocument.h"#include "utils.h"            // Image loading utility// FORWARD DECLARATIONSclass CSimpleCubeContainer;// CLASS DECLARATION/*** Application UI class.* Provides support for the following features:* - EIKON control architecture*/class CSimpleCubeAppUi : public CAknAppUi, public MImageHandlerCallback    {    public: // Constructors and destructor        /**        * EPOC default constructor.        */              void ConstructL();        /**        * Destructor.        */              virtual ~CSimpleCubeAppUi();            public: // New functions		void LoadTexturesL();    private:        // From MEikMenuObserver        void DynInitMenuPaneL(TInt aResourceId,CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane);		        /**         * From MImageHandlerCallback, call back for image loading         * @param aError Error code for image conversion         */        void ImageOperationCompleteL(TInt aError);    private:        /**        * From CEikAppUi, takes care of command handling.        * @param aCommand command to be handled        */        void HandleCommandL(TInt aCommand);        /**        * From CEikAppUi, handles key events.        * @param aKeyEvent Event to handled.        * @param aType Type of the key event.         * @return Response code (EKeyWasConsumed, EKeyWasNotConsumed).         */        virtual TKeyResponse HandleKeyEventL(            const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,TEventCode aType);	public: // Data        // Request status flag for texture loading        TInt iTexLoaded;        // File server session        RFs iFs;        // Bitmaps for texture loading        CFbsBitmap* iTex1;             private: //Data        CSimpleCubeContainer* iAppContainer; 		// Instance of image loading class        CImageHandler* iBmapUtil;        // Filenames for textures        TFileName iTex1FullName;        // Current texture being loaded        TInt iTexID;    };#endif// End of File

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