Error in SDL_BlitSurface

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4 comments, last by Feidias 18 years, 10 months ago
I'm new to SDL and so I started with the Cone3D SDL tutorial2 (though I didn't copy it exactly, but the program is still doing the same or should). But I have an error in every call to SDL_BlitSurface and I don't know why. The images are loaded successfully and everything else is also initialized successfully. But still SDL_Blitsurface (in those two DrawImage functions) returns allways -1 From my point of view everything should be fine, maybe you can look over my code? Thank you :)

#include <windows.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <sdl/sdl.h>

inline void Msg(  char* const str, char* const info = "" )
       MessageBox( NULL, str, info, MB_OK );

SDL_Surface* G_pScreen = NULL;
SDL_Surface* G_pImage  = NULL;
SDL_Surface* G_pBg     = NULL;

int G_xPos = 0;
int G_yPos = 0;

bool LoadImage( char* const path, SDL_Surface* screen );

bool Init( Uint32 flags = SDL_INIT_VIDEO, int width = 640, int height = 480,
           int bpp = 32, Uint32 mode = SDL_HWSURFACE|SDL_DOUBLEBUF )
     if( SDL_Init( flags ) < 0 )
         return false;

     if( !( G_pScreen = SDL_SetVideoMode( width, height, bpp, mode ) ) )
         return false;

     if( !LoadImage( "J:\\Test\\ship.bmp", G_pImage ) )
         return false;

     if( !LoadImage( "J:\\Test\\bg.bmp", G_pBg ) )
         return false;

     std::atexit( SDL_Quit );
     return true;

bool LoadImage( char* const path, SDL_Surface* screen )
     if( !( screen = SDL_LoadBMP( path ) ) )
          return false;

     return true;

bool DrawImage( SDL_Surface* const src, SDL_Surface* dest, int x, int y )
     SDL_Rect start;
     start.x = 0;
     start.y = 0;
     if( SDL_BlitSurface( G_pBg, NULL, dest, &start ) == -1 )
         return false;

     return true;

bool DrawImage( SDL_Surface* const src, SDL_Surface* dest, int x, int y,
                int x2, int y2, int width, int height )
     SDL_Rect start;
     start.x = x;
     start.y = y;

     SDL_Rect start2;
     start2.x = x2;
     start2.y = y2;
     start2.w = width;
     start2.h = height;

     if( SDL_BlitSurface( src, &start2, dest, &start ) == -1 )
         return false;

     return true;

void DrawScene( SDL_Surface* const screen )
    DrawImage( G_pBg, G_pScreen, G_xPos - 2, G_yPos - 2,
               G_xPos - 2, G_yPos - 2, 54, 54 );
    DrawImage( G_pImage, G_pScreen, G_xPos, G_yPos );

    SDL_Flip( screen );

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    if( !Init() )
        Msg( "Error on init", "Error" );

    DrawImage( G_pBg, G_pScreen, 0, 0 );

    Uint8* keys;
    bool done = false;
    while( !done )
          SDL_Event event;

          while( SDL_PollEvent( &event ) )
                if( event.type == SDL_QUIT )
                    done = true;
                if( event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN )
                    if( event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE )
                        done = true;

          keys = SDL_GetKeyState( NULL );

          if( keys[ SDLK_UP ] )
          if( keys[ SDLK_DOWN ] )
          if( keys[ SDLK_LEFT ] )
          if( keys[ SDLK_RIGHT ] )

          DrawScene( G_pScreen );

    return 0;

On the first DrawImage function, you appear to be passing *const src, but instead of using that you've hardcoded in g_pBg instead of passing in anything as a parameter.

The second one looks okay, comparing it with the original Cone3D example. Try taking out const and just have SDL_Surface *src.

I'm using SDL too, but I'm doing things differently.

I hope that helps, let me know if it still doesn't work.

I hardcoded G_pBg only for testing purposes, but it the error ist still there.

I removed the const from those parameters but there is still the same problem.

Can you post me a little example code that's running on your machine?
Here's what I've been using for Pong. It's part of a class, but it should work for you if you take away the whole class bit:

void SpriteWrapper::Draw(SDL_Surface *surface,SDL_Surface *screen,int x,int y){          SDL_Rect sprite;          sprite.x=x;          sprite.y=y;          SDL_BlitSurface(surface,NULL,screen,&sprite);     }

And you can use it by:

paddle1.Draw(paddle_1,GameWindow,75,250); // Take away the paddle1. bit// paddle_1 is an SDL_Surface that you loaded earlier.  //GameWindow is the name I gave to my SDL_Surface which was the window loaded (with SDL_HWSURFACE etc).//75 is the x co-ordinate of the destination, 250 is the y co-ordinate

To be honest, I think that this approach is better than the Cone3D version, but that's just my opinion.

Try these tutorials - they're what my function is based on:

Our very own Rob Loach

Andrew's Home Page

I've been using SDL for about a month now, and Cone3D still doesn't make a lot of sense. Those ones are easier.

Good luck,

Well...your draw function doesn't work, too :(

I'll try those two tutorials and I hope I'll find the error :)


The example from Rob Loach works fine :)
Before blitting you might want to call SDL_LockSurface, because you are using HW_SURFACE. Then SDL_UnlockSurface, when the drawing operation is done.

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