glDrawElements() ambiguity ?

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2 comments, last by nefthy 18 years, 10 months ago
[ this problem is solved...look at the 3rd post(reply) ] hi, I have stored vertex (x,y,z) values and texture values vertex class objects. I want to use vertex arrays . My code is below

Gl.glVertexPointer( 3 , Gl.GL_FLOAT  , Marshal.SizeOf(new Vertex()) , m_VertexArray.m_VerticesList.ToArray(typeof(float) ) );

now it is giving error saying closest match for last parameter is bool[] ( even though there is float[] in the overloads ) second , even if i manage to do can i provide the Texture coordinate pointer , coz i wanted to start from insise the first object ( from where the tex coord starte) and jump sizeof(object) bytes ?? thanx. I hope my problm is clear. if not please do ask as i am online for quite some time still :) thanx a lot. [Edited by - mishal153 on June 8, 2005 3:19:43 AM]
Depends on how you invoke gl*pointer. I use IntPtr so I use gl*Pointer(....,Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement( buffer, 0 ) ); But I'm not sure you can do that in .NET 1.1.
You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.
i managed to seperate the vertex values into another float array . It works but one question..
My indexes are stored in an int array. But in glDrawElements() call i am having to give type as GL_UNSIGNED_INT , or it doesnt work?

any idea why? i mean even though the array type is int i still have to mention GL_UNSIGNED_INT to make it work . GL_INT doesnt work...nothng gets drawn on the window.

thanx for the help all. :)
The answer is here

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