Why is ScreenToClient returning 0 and not working?

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1 comment, last by wease 18 years, 10 months ago
Hello, I have some screen coordinates that refuse to be converted to client coordinates and I don't know why. Here is my code: POINT p; GetCursorPos(&p); if(ScreenToClient(hwndMain,&p)) do something The GetCursorPos works and gets me the screen coordinates for my mouse clicks. However, the ScreenToClient will not covert them. Any ideas why? Thanks

I don't know how it would fail, exept if hwndMain is not a valid window handle. Anyway, try using GetLastError() when it fails to get the error code. Once you have it, you can look it up using the "Visual C++ Error Lookup" tool, or MSDN states that it is possible to use FormatMessage() to get a string corresponding to the error...

Good luck!
Thanks for your help. I've never heard of either of those methods but they will greatly ease my debugging :)

Turns out you were right. It was an invalid window handle.

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