A Space Shooter Engine

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6 comments, last by medevilenemy 18 years, 10 months ago
Hi, I recently started writing an OpenGL Top-Down Space Shooter Engine and I have, so far, implemented Texture Mapping, a basic (obviously temporary) image for the player's ship, controls for said ship, and a menu system. I'm not sure yet, but i believe i will need the ability to render DXF models, play some rather simple WAV audio (not 3D audio, just BG music, Voices, and sound effects without complicated filters, etc). Can anyone tell me of any tutorials which will teach these things, also, is there anything anyone thinks I should add besides these things?
There was a saying we had in college: Those who walk into the engineering building are never quite the same when they walk out.
Use DirectMusic for the sound, it's simple.

//Here's how to set up DirectMusic and the sounds you want to playIDirectMusicLoader8* Loader;IDirectMusicPerformance8* Performance;//Create a segment pointer for each sound effect/music track you haveIDirectMusicSegment8*     BGMusic;IDirectMusicSegment8*     SoundEffect;CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DirectMusicLoader, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC, 					 IID_IDirectMusicLoader8,(void**)&Loader);CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DirectMusicPerformance, NULL,CLSCTX_INPROC, 					 IID_IDirectMusicPerformance8,(void**)&Performance);Performance->InitAudio(     NULL,                  // IDirectMusic interface not needed.    NULL,                  // IDirectSound interface not needed.    hWnd,                  // Window handle.    DMUS_APATH_SHARED_STEREOPLUSREVERB,  // Default audiopath type.    64,                    // Number of performance channels.    DMUS_AUDIOF_ALL,       // Features on synthesizer.    NULL                   // Audio parameters; use defaults.);Loader->SetSearchDirectory(     GUID_DirectMusicAllTypes,    //L"C:\\Program Files\\KaZaA\\My Shared Folder"     NULL, // Where to look. Null for default    FALSE // Don't clear object data.);BGMusic = loadSound("bgtitlescreen.mid");SoundEffect = loadSound("explosion.wav");//You can set this flag for your music if you want it to repeat foreverBGMusic->SetRepeats(DMUS_SEG_REPEAT_INFINITE);//Here's the loadSound function definitionIDirectMusicSegment8* Audio::loadSound(char* filename){	DMUS_OBJECTDESC desc;	IDirectMusicSegment8* seg;	ZeroMemory(&desc,sizeof(LPDMUS_OBJECTDESC));	desc.dwSize = sizeof(DMUS_OBJECTDESC);	desc.guidClass = CLSID_DirectMusicSegment;	desc.dwValidData = DMUS_OBJ_CLASS | DMUS_OBJ_FILENAME | DMUS_OBJ_FULLPATH;	mbstowcs(desc.wszFileName, filename, MAX_PATH);	Loader->GetObject(&desc, IID_IDirectMusicSegment8, (LPVOID*)&seg);	return seg;}//Here's how to play your sounds, I wrapped up each of my sounds into a functionvoid playBGMusic(){    BGMusic->Download(Performance);    Performance->PlaySegmentEx(    BGMusic,  // Segment to play.    NULL,        // Used for songs; not implemented.    NULL,        // For transitions.     NULL,           // Flags.    0,           // Start time; 0 is immediate.    NULL,        // Pointer that receives segment state.    NULL,        // Object to stop.    NULL         // Audiopath, if not default.);  //For sound effects, you're gonna want the sound effect to play while the//background music is playing right? Just set the extra flag in the 4 argument//to let the Performance object know it's a secondary sound like this:void Audio::playWallHit(){    SoundEffect->Download(Performance);    Performance->PlaySegmentEx(    SoundEffect,  // Segment to play.    NULL,        // Used for songs; not implemented.    NULL,        // For transitions.     DMUS_SEGF_SECONDARY,           // Flags. This is the flag!    0,           // Start time; 0 is immediate.    NULL,        // Pointer that receives segment state.    NULL,        // Object to stop.    NULL         // Audiopath, if not default.	);  }

I wrapped up all my audio into a class. Remember to clean up:
NULL, // Stop all segments.
NULL, // Stop all segment states.
0, // Do it immediately.
0 // Flags.

Remember to include <dmusici.h>.

This should get you started.
There are some things so stupid that only an intellect could believe them.
thanks, but i'm not using DX in this program -- sticking with good ol' OpenGL and whatever else i can find.
There was a saying we had in college: Those who walk into the engineering building are never quite the same when they walk out.
SDL could help. As for models... *shrug*
"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan
Quote:Original post by medevilenemy
thanks, but i'm not using DX in this program -- sticking with good ol' OpenGL and whatever else i can find.

How about OpenAL for sound? Those two API's (OGL and OAL) looks very simliar in terms of code structure, so you shouldn't have a hard time learning the API and OAL can do the same as DirectSound (I'm not entisure how many features OAL has, but professional games like JK:JA III and SoF II use it, so it must contain the relevant features :-P) and is crossplatform, so you can make 3D sound or whatever with it in future projects.
Killers don't end up in jailThey end up on a high-score!
For sound I would recomend either OpenAL or FMOD (my pick).

To load models you'll have to write your own code. Pick a model format (try something simple to start with, like the wavefront OBJ format) and google it's file format. e.g. Some model loading tutorials (including the OBJ format) or Nehe's Milkshape model loader tutorial .

Hope this helps.

edit: beaten in OpenAL.
.Amar0k."In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move." -- Douglas Adams
with sdl its very easy to get some sounds up and running

Mix_LoadWAV( "bang.wav" );
Mix_PlayChannel( this_soundchannelID, st.chunk, sound_repeat_number_times );
thanks for the input.
There was a saying we had in college: Those who walk into the engineering building are never quite the same when they walk out.

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